ARC II Part 2

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ARC II Chapter 2

As the commander slept with the Admiral Hipper cruisers, a Z class destroyer, Z46, remained awake in her room. She couldn't sleep that night, because of a particular dialogue she'd had with an Iron Blood carrier, Graf Zeppelin. The dialogue went like this...


"Recently I've been wondering something, Graf Zeppelin..."
"When were we KANSENs born, how and why? I can guess our purpose is protecting humanity from the Siren threat, but what led to our birth?"
"Our birth was a process of trial and error. It was a research, and like all researches it involved experiments, successes and... many failures. Failures which should be left behind. Failures which must be forgotten and never repeated again. Long ago, I wondered this as well... I wish I didn't. It's not too late for you to ignore this question and keep living in that blissful ignorance I wish I still had. Knowledge is important, but excessive knowledge doesn't bring anything good except for regret."
"... You're making me curious now... What kind of failures are you talking about?"
"Failures not only for the research itself, but also for humanity as a whole. Those scientists involved in that research had to trade their humanity in exchange of higher knowledge. In a metaphorical sense, of course."
"What kind of experiments did they carry out? You make it sound like they've done horrible things..."
"Horrible is an understatement. I don't intend to bring those memories afloat again. I don't advise you look for answers, but if that's what you want, do as you please. But remember that curiosity killed the cat."

Flashback end

Z46 replayed that dialogue in her mind, her curiosity grew more and more. Her Iron Blood comrades wouldn't help her in her research, she knew that well. She needed to ask someone who would help her for sure. She got out of bed and left her room, headed towards the commander's office. Once she'd reached it, she knocked on the door: the commander was usually still awake at that hour, but nobody answered from the other side. Not knowing where the commander could be, Z46 went to Hipper's room, where the commander's secretary could help her. She cautiously opened the door and took a peek inside: she didn't expect to see the commander sleeping there with Eugen.
"What is it?" the commander asked before sitting up and turning to her.
"Commander, you're awake?" Z46 asked.
"Sleeping with Eugen is harder than I expected. I don't really feel tired anymore. But tell me why you're here; were you looking for me?"
"Yes. I would like to ask you something."
He stood up and approached her.
"I'm listening."
"It's about the research carried out by the Iron Blood to create KANSENs."
"... Aren't you a brave kid" he commented, "I don't think you want to learn about that."
"I do."
"You'll regret it."
"I'm willing to live with that regret."
The commander looked down and stayed quiet for a while. Then he kneeled to her height.
"How can you say that if you don't know what you're going against? I know you're a strong person, Z46, but even a resistant branch can break if enough force is applied. Go to sleep."
"Please, commander. I want to know."
"You already own too much knowledge for your age. You don't need this information."
"I know. I don't need it, I want it."
The commander sighed.
"You don't have any intention to turn back, huh... Don't say I didn't warn you. Let's go." He stood back up.
"You're coming with me?"
"Obviously. That laboratory is like a dungeon now. But unlike the classic dungeon, this one has no treasure. It only conserves a memory which should be left behind. It's not worth it to explore it. But you're stubborn, of course. Don't worry, you'll understand my warning once we get out of there. IF we'll get out."
"If..?" Z46 asked with a slight fear of what that meant. But she received no answer.
"Where should we go, then?" she asked.
"Are you afraid of the woods?" he asked in turn.

"Stay close to me at all times." He told her once they reached the gates of those infamous woods. He pushed the gates open and stepped inside, holding Z46's hand. They walked on the path for several minutes, venturing deep into the woods. At one point, they stepped out of the path and walked among the trees.
"Commander, I see a small hill over there.." she said.
"I wish that was a hill, Z46. That is our destination."
They went to the other side of the very small hill. Stuck into the dirt were two huge metal doors.
"This hill is artificial, Z46. And this hill is the reason why I made up that myth about the girl who died here. I wanted to hide these doors... I wanted them to be forgotten." He looked at her, "I won't ask this again, Z46: do you want to find out what happened here?"
"Yes. I want to." She replied, still convinced about exploring despite the multiple warnings.
"Well then... Here we go." The commander approached the metal doors and took advantage of the small gap between them to forcefully push them open.
"Wait for me here, Z46. I'll look for the generator room to activate the power. Do not even think about following me until you see the lights turning on." He ordered her before going down the long stairway which led underground. Z46 obeyed and stood still while waiting.

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