Part 2

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Alright, I don't know exactly how, but this book's first part almost reached 30 views in one day. That's a big number for me, so when reading this keep in mind these things:
1. This fanfiction is being written for a friend of mine, so do NOT take it too seriously.
2. I haven't seen that many stories about Azur Lane on this platform, so in case you have no idea what it is, you won't be able to understand most things about this fanfiction.
3. I'm italian, and I'll try my best to use a correct grammar. If you notice any grammar mistake, please don't mind it.
4. This fanfiction is not only focused on the two main characters, but there will also be pretty much all the other characters Azur Lane has to offer.
I think that this was everything you have to know when reading this story. Without further ado, I'll leave you to the story.

Chapter 2
As soon as Nero stepped in the USA dormitory, he was immediately surprised by how big the place was: there were multiple floors and hallways full of doors leading to small rooms. There were four floors in total. "... Wow... Every building of this Academy is just enormous huh?" Nero walked further into what appeared to be the main room, which led to the different floors. The room was quite large, though it wasn't very decorated. "That's a waste of space..." he thought. While he was distracted with looking around, one of the girls approached him.
"So, you're the new guy?" she asked him. It took him a second to realize what was happening. "H-huh? You're talking to me?"
"Are there any other guys in here?"
"Oh, right! The name's Nero... And who're you?"
"I'm Baltimore. I have a quick question, why are you standing in the middle of the room while staring at nothing? I don't know your reasons but that could seem kinda creepy to others, you know?"
"Oh uhm- I was just surprised by how huge this place is. What do y'all do with all this space?"
"Oh I have no idea why the commander made it so big, and I honestly don't really care. This room is empty almost all day, it gets kinda sad to see such a big and empty room sometimes."
"Well that's understandable I guess... So, are there any particular activities held in here?"
"Aside from sleeping, we basically do nothing. Well, of course in our rooms we can read, play videogames, have pillow fights, blast music and all that stuff."
"... Pillow fights...?"
"The commander mustn't know. Don't you dare tell him."
"Uuh... Okay...?
"These girls really live like normal humans... are we sure they're not just girls wearing naval weaponry?" Nero was starting to think about how the girls acted so... human-like. He was impressed by how human they looked and sounded.
Before they kept conversing, somebody interrupted them.
"Oh, you're finally ready?" Baltimore asked her.
"You're making it sound like you've been waiting for hours... And who's that boy?"
"Oh, he's the new boy. You know, the first male KANSEN."
"Oh. Heya." the girl greeted him with no formalities at all.
"Hello, my name's Nero. I hope we can... get along?"
"We will, as long as you tell me what's your instagram."
"Really now? ... Why do you need it?"
"If you don't I'll hate you. A lot."
"... Ok ok" he told her what his instagram account was (even though he didn't post anything basically). "Anyway, if I may ask, where are you two going?"
"We're going to the Academy, where else would we go?" said Baltimore.
"Wait... IT'S ALREADY TIME FOR CLASS???" he shouted worryingly.
"Don't worry, you've just arrived so you won't have to attend classes for today. I really envy you." the other girl reassured him.
"Oh, thank God... By the way, what's your name?"
"Bremerton." She said, before leaving with Baltimore.
"Well, see ya around Baltimore and Bremerton! ... I guess..." After this short dialogue with the two girls, Nero decided it was time to visit his room. There was one problem though.
"... Where the hell is my room at?? There are four floors in here! Do I just visit all of them till I find it...? Nah, as if I'm doing that. More importantly, all the girls are attending class right now, right? Ugh, what am I gonna do until classes are over??" He asked himself, clearly annoyed about the fact he was completely on his own.
"I knew I'd find you here." Nero turned around after hearing a familiar voice.
"Commander? Are you following me?" Nero asked, undecided if he had to be scared.
"You could say I am, though it's just for today, so don't worry. More importantly, you don't know where your room is, right?"
"I clearly don't, why would I stay here then?"
"Understandable. Well Nero, the truth is..."
"You actually don't have a room."
"... Your sense of humor is kinda twisted commander..."
"What makes you think I'm joking?"
"That was the original idea but I discarded it later on."
"THEN WHER- Wait what did you say?"
"Ugh... Nevermind. So tell me, where am I gonna sleep?"
"Try guessing."
"In the academy's canteen?"
"On the boat I used in order to come here?"
"I mean if you insist..."
"Nero, my boy, this could shock you a little, but..."
"You're sleeping with the german."
"... Excuse me?"
"You're excused."
"No no. Say that again."
"You're sleeping with the german?"
"Commander. I will let you explain the reason why you came up with this idea. Using 10 words or less."
"I thought it'd be cool and the german dormitory has more-"
"More rooms."
"Oh... Wait, so I HAVE a room?"
"You have more than one."
"Just kidding, of course you'll share a room with a girl."
"... I don't know if I should be thankful or hate you."
"Both are valid options, it depends on the situation."
"Couldn't you just
A room
For me?"
"Too expensive honestly..."
Nero took a long sigh. "I'm very confused right now."
"You're sharing a room with a german girl, which part don't you understand?"
"Anyway, I'll have to give you a few warnings about this girl. It's very important, so listen carefully."
"I'm listening..."
"She's mentally unstable."
"... I.. I don't even know what to say at this point... J-just go on."
"She's very powerful, one of the strongest in the german fleet. But you know what they say, with great power comes great danger."
"This one was horrible, PLEASE revisit your sense of humor."
"That wasn't a pun."
"... What?"
"Yeah. She could be very dangerous if you aren't careful."
"Commander, I have a question."
"Go on."
"Why did you choose SPECIFICALLY HER ROOM for me?"
"Because nobody else wanted to share."
"... Do they hate me?"
"... Some do."
"Ah great."
"Well anyway, I'd have to introduce you to the topic of 'Research-born KANSENs', otherwise known as 'Priority' or 'Decisive' Kansens."
"I didn't understand a thing." Nero scratched his head in confusion.
The commander sighed. "It's gonna be a long story, sit back and relax. Oh wait, there are no chairs here."
"... You absolute moron."
Thus, Daniel started explaining...
Chapter 2 end

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now