ARC II Part 5

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We could say Z46's lab adventure is a sort of "sub-arc" (which is still part of ARC II), however it is not really related to ARC II as a whole, which focuses on the Commander. This sub-arc took an excessively long time to be completed, and it's not because the chapters were difficult to write: the problem is, naturally, my lack of imagination (more than the lack of motivation, actually) and my overall business (as in busy-ness, btw); for now, this sub-arc is TEMPORARILY suspended, NOT over.

Before resuming with the Commander's story, I remind you that it was interrupted while he was choosing his new secretaries to replace Eugen. The events happening in this chapter take place after ARC II Chapter 3 and are CONTEMPORARY to the events in ARC II Chapter 4.

ARC II Chapter 5
"While I was walking to the cafe earlier, I was already thinking about the hypothetical new secretaries..." Said the commander, "but, as you know, I don't communicate with you girls that much. Therefore you might know who's more suitable better than me."
"So you already have some ideas? Well, let's see who you chose." Said Eugen.
"Firstly, let's talk about Iron Blood's secretary. I think there are various valid candidates for the role, and I've got three of them in mind. I'm talking about Z23, Gneisenau and Peter Strasser." The commander explained. Eugen thought about them for a while before giving her verdict.
"Surely they are all good choices. I assume you'd like the best one of them to take the role, right?"
"Not necessarily. I don't want to use skill or professionalism as the only criteria, since I'm pretty sure they all have a life of their own. Do you know which one of them is averagely the least busy?"
"Well, Z23 is really invested in her studies, so I would personally exclude her; both Peter and Gneisenau should match your requirements, I'm pretty sure. Now, Peter is famous for her extreme precision in everything she does in terms of timing, so she'll get her work done correctly and also on time. Gneisenau is not obsessed about timing, but she is very smart and she would be able to handle this responsibility with ease. The choice is yours." Eugen explained. The commander listened carefully and wrote Peter's and Gneisenau's names down on a piece of paper.
"Thank you, Eugen. Of course I decided to talk about the Iron Blood secretary first since you are more familiar with them. But now, I have a question: do you think the 'Kaiser's part' of the Iron Blood needs a separate secretary?"
"I don't think it's necessary. But if they asked for one, you could assign the role to Seydlitz."
"Hm, I see. I'll keep that in mind. Well then, Iron Blood is settled; let's get over with the Regia Marina now. Or, as it's called now, 'Sardegna Empire'. Do you know anyone in the Regia Marina who could fit?"
"Although I don't know exactly someone who could fit, I know someone who COULDN'T fit, and that is Littorio. I warmly recommend you discard her completely."

As Eugen finished saying this, the door was kicked down out of the blue.
"Discard, you say?" Littorio smirked with her arms crossed and a rose between her teeth.
"... Where the fuck did you just appear from?" The commander sighed.
"Do not question Littorio." She answered while walking slowly and confidently towards them, "More importantly... May I know why I should be excluded from the role of secretary, Eugen?" She moved her face closer to Eugen and stared right into her eyes, keeping her signature smirk of confidence. Eugen stared back with an apathetic face without even questioning why Littorio kicked the door down (on the other hand, the commander was still wondering why she didn't just open the door).
"You can't take anything seriously. Your job as a secretary would be a catastrophe." She answered.
"Aren't you the one who's never helped the commander despite being appointed secretary? I don't think you're in the position to talk." Littorio teased her, "Besides, he is in charge, not you. Ultimately, the choice is his." She turned to the commander, "So, Commander, will you listen to Eugen? Or will you understand she is only saying this because she cannot fathom my genius?"
"I don't think I can fathom your genius either, so it's best if I exclude you." The commander answered with no hesitation. Littorio didn't stop smirking, but the frustration in her expression was visible.
"Hahaha... Of course, that is expected!" She exclaimed while gritting her teeth and consequentially crushing the rose's stem between them, "You will realize, one day, that you're making quite a big mistake! But don't worry, for Littorio is benevolent: so, should you change your mind, my door is always open for you, Commander! Hahaha!" She said before walking out.

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat