Part 10.1

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Chapter 10.1
When Friedrich finished explaining maths, she told her students to stand up. Nero and Roon did so, and Friedrich sat on the bed in front of them.
"Now, I ask you to teach me." she said.
"Teach you...?" Nero and Roon asked at the same time.
"Yes. Anything you want."
Nero and Roon looked at each other with a questioning look. Then, Nero came up with an idea and turned back to Friedrich.
"Teacher. It's time I teach you a very complicated matter.
Twenty. First. Century. Humor." he said.
"Oh no..." Roon thought.
"But before I begin, riddle me this!" he exclaimed.
"Go on."
"If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?"
"Challenging." she answered.
"Damn it. Well anyway, allow me to show you an example of 21st century humor."
Nero took his phone, opened YouTube, and played the following video:

Credits to SwordArtGaming on YouTube

"... What..?" Friedrich was extremely confused and had many questions which she couldn't ask because of the excessively rapid succession of images and sounds in the video.
"I know what you're thinking. Actually, you aren't thinking about anything right now because of the brain damage you sustained while watching. But let me tell you something, the new generation defines this 'humor' and genuinely laughs at a similar sight." Nero explained.
"Wow... Uh... I... I don't know what to say..."
"And remember, Friedrich, loud = funny."
"I'll... keep that in mind."
"The music this generation listens to is quite particular as well. The most notable pieces of music are 'Balls in your Jaws', 'Fortnite Battle Pass' and others; all these songs share a common characteristic: not making any sense. This generation invented new expressions such as 'W' and its opposite 'L', 'Cap' and 'No Cap', 'Based', 'Cringe', 'Nerf Miner' and so on. Oh, of course I have to mention 'Sus', which is widely used."
Nero went on with his explanation for a whole hour and Friedrich did not understand nearly anything.
Once he was done, the lessons were over. Roon hugged Friedrich before she left.
"Nero, would you like to hug me as well?" Friedrich asked, standing in front of the doorway.
"Huh? Uh... Well... I guess I do...?"
Friedrich opened her arms. Nero walked to her, stood in front of her for some seconds as though he was wondering if he was really allowed to hug her, and finally did so. Friedrich did the same to him.
Due to Friedrich's height, Nero's head nearly ended up on her chest, but fortunately (or unfortunately?) his head leaned slightly above.
After their hug was over, Friedrich left. Nero did not move since the hug was over and he stared at the door while thinking about what had just happened.
Roon noticed almost immediately and shook him. "Hey, stop having dirty thoughts!"
"HUH??- What do you mean??..."
"You know what I mean!" she shouted while pouting.
"Why do you care so much?? Are you jealous or something??"
Roon was definitely not ready for that question and she backed away. She didn't know where to look and seconds later she turned to her desk. She took the small key for her diary, walked back to the desk, sat down on her chair, unlocked the padlock, grabbed her pen and started writing.
"... Roon..?" Nero confusedly looked at her from afar.
She didn't answer and kept writing.
"Did I embarrass her?? That wasn't my intention..!" he thought. He wanted to apologize, but he didn't know how: approaching her right after making her uncomfortable wasn't the best idea.
He decided it was best to leave her alone for a while.
"... I'm going for a stroll.." he said, before opening the door and leaving the room.
Chapter 10.1 end
The first half of this chapter was definitely goofy, but y'know, I just felt like writing that.

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