Part 4

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Chapter 4
Nero walked out of the german dormitory, still thinking about what happened with Roon. He couldn't stop thinking about that unsettling smile on her face. Also the words she said about granting sweet release to enemies after hours of torture. He really did not expect it, she looked kind at first, a nice person to hang out with. But he started to have a different opinion about her.
He remembered what Daniel told him. "She's mentally unstable", that's what he said. Could it be that the words she said weren't true? Was she just in a sort of trance in that moment? His mind was full of thoughts about what happened. It was so full that he was just taking random paths around the academy, possibly going circles around one specific point. As he walked, he surely wasn't being ignored by the other KANSENs: some of them were confusingly looking at him as he walked around aimlessly. He noticed it after some minutes.
"... WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING??" he thought as he immediately stopped walking. He looked back at the shipgirls. "Uuuh... It's not what you think! I was just... Looking for an item I lost! I was pretty sure I lost it around here, but I really can't find it anywhere..! D-don't mind me, go back to your activities..!" but none of them were going away. Suddenly, somebody started laughing in the crowd.
"H-huh??" Nero was looking for the source of the laughing, but he couldn't see it anywhere.
"I'm down here moron!" the voice told him.
Nero looked down, and he saw a short little girl.
"Finally, took you long enough to notice me, loser!" she said. "You looked like a dumbass, walking in circles like that! So YOU are the new guy? And here I thought it was gonna be a badass man with abs and muscles! It's just a skinny nerd then!" she kept laughing as she spoke.
Nero looked at her. He listened, but he didn't react. He didn't answer. The only thing he did was agreeing to everything she said.
"What is it? You can't even talk back to a small girl like me? Really?? You're an interesting guy! But I can't blame you, after all. Of course you're completely defeated before my unparalleled fashion! You stand no chance against me!" She kept making fun of him and laughing.
Nero was quiet. He perfectly knew she was right.
The girl was about to speak again, but she realized everyone around her was gone, everyone left. She was confused as to why everybody went away like that, until she turned around. She started shaking.
"... U-uhm... H-hello, Roon..! L-long time no see, huh?" she said while laughing nervously.
In front of her, Roon was smiling. The same smile Nero saw earlier in her room. She stared at the little girl, quietly.
"H-have you already met the new guy? Look at how pathetic he is..!"
"Bache." Roon apparently pronounced the girl's name.
"Go away, while you still can. Because if I cut your legs off, it will get kind of difficult to walk, don't you agree?" Roon bent over to her height.
Bache ran away as fast as she could, without looking back.
Nero simply watched, without commenting.
"She's pretty annoying, right?" Roon asked him.
"... Yeah... Thanks for scaring her away, Roon.."
"You don't need to thank me, after all it was a pleasure to see her scared like that. She's always cocky and she thinks of herself as the most fascinating girl in here, but everybody knows she's just bluffing. I wonder how nobody still beat her to a pulp yet..."
"But you went overboard."
"That's still a kid. You didn't scare her at this point, you straight up traumatized her. You didn't need to be so aggressive, I don't mind her words at all. She's right. I'm pretty much a loser." After saying that, Nero walked in the direction Bache ran. After walking forward for a while, she saw her hiding behind one of the trees in the academy's gardens.
"Here you are Bache." He looked at her.
"H-huh?? What do you want now, nerd??"
"I have a question for you. How many friends do you have?"
"... Friends...? Hah, as if somebody as great as me NEEDS friends!"
"So you can't get friends because of your cocky attitude, I see."
"So I'm right."
"..." She didn't answer.
"Bache. I think you're misunderstood by everyone here. You actually don't know how to approach others, so you try to impress them and make them notice you by acting like that."
"... Okay, you're right. I admit it. Are you satisfied now?"
"Can't say I'm satisfied, I'm just glad I was the first to actually understand you. And, if you're looking for a friend, I can be one. I recommend you to stop acting like this, and maybe apologize to everyone for your behavior, and explain to them the reason why you act this way. I'm pretty sure things will get fixed." Nero smiled at her, then he walked back to Roon.
"Were you talking to a tree?" Once he was back, Roon asked him what was he doing.
"... I was." He said, and he walked towards the academy.
"I have to talk to the commander now. See ya around, Roon." He turned around and told her that, then he turned back to the academy and resumed walking.
Chapter 4 end

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें