Verum Diarium

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Do you remember that day when the commander read Roon's diary?
Right before Roon was moved to her current room, which she shares with Nero?
I never revealed the contents which the commander read that day.
Because I felt like it wasn't necessary.
Sure, they didn't suggest Roon was happy and okay; they were all negative, devoid of happiness.
In that diary, she writes about her day without going into detail. She describes how she feels, and that's it. She reports that everyday is the same and that her life feels meaningless.
But that diary is nothing but a pastime for her. She has another one. A diary she only writes on lonely nights. And before Nero arrived, every night was lonely for her.

Now that she found him, she isn't writing this diary anymore. However, what is written on it is worth mentioning. As the narrator, I should narrate everything. And so, I will interrupt the story's flow occasionally to report what was on Roon's mind on her lonely nights. Here is an entry from the Verum Diarium, as I like to call it. I chose a Christmas-themed entry, since December 25th is approaching.

"December 17 20##
It's me again, Diary,
Today is 17th December. The big day is approaching. The port has been really lively lately: many girls are joyfully decorating the base all around. Soon enough there will also be Christmas-themed events: the Commander will organize a Christmas present hunt. You know, something like an Easter egg hunt, but with Christmas presents. From this room, I can hear them laugh. I can hear them have the time of their lives. They all sound so happy. They are always surrounded by love and by a colorful world. They're always busy with something: be it school, hanging out, spending time with siblings. I've never had any siblings. And even if I had one, I wouldn't be able to see them.
But enough talking about them. Today, it was harder than usual to get out of bed. I felt drained. Even though I have slept abundantly, when I woke up, I was still tired. I forced myself out of bed and I saw my breakfast on my desk. As you know, Friedrich brings me meals everyday, and frankly, they're the only thing I look forward to during the whole day. I'm pretty sure she makes them herself. I dragged myself over to the desk and enjoyed the breakfast Friedrich made for me. It tasted really good, and it also looked good: three heart-shaped biscuits and a glass of warm milk. I know it might sound like a plain breakfast. And it is. However, I enjoyed it way more than a normal person would. And something weird happened after I finished eating the biscuits and started drinking the milk. It was still warm when I drank it, and the milk's warmth was... comforting. I don't know if it has to do with my room, but I always feel cold. I got used to it overtime, but after feeling such warmth again after such a long time... I cried. I suddenly felt so relaxed, yet so sad. I can't explain it, really. I felt like that warmth was something I was missing. At some point I couldn't keep drinking because of how hard I was crying. I held the warm glass in my hands while sobbing, and it has been a long time since I cried so much. It took me a while to finally calm down, and after I did, I finished drinking the milk. Then, I got back into my bed and stared at the white ceiling. After crying like that, I was emptied of any emotion. Meanwhile, I heard the other girls have fun outside. Eventually, due to my tiredness and the fact I had just cried, I fell asleep again. I woke up during the late afternoon, and there was no lunch on my desk: Friedrich doesn't leave it there if she sees I'm sleeping, and she makes a bigger dinner to compensate. But again, when I woke up, I was still tired. I almost felt sad because waking up is always depressing for me. I wish I could sleep and never open my eyes again. I have nothing to do. I have no one to talk to. I have no one to cry on. I have literally nothing at all. I only have a bed, a desk, a pen and a diary. I don't know how long I can take this anymore, diary. I just want to hug someone. I want to love someone. But I'm dangerous... And so I lay here, on my bed, without any will to live anymore. I woke up and I felt an overwhelming sadness once again. I hugged my pillow really tightly and cried on it for hours. I lost track of time as I let out all my frustration. I desperately needed someone, but no matter how loudly I cry, no one will come anyway. Feeling more exhausted than before, I cried until I fell asleep once again. Then, when I woke up in the evening, Friedrich was sitting on the bed next to me. When I sat up, she hugged me. I almost couldn't believe it. Her warmth reminded me of the milk she had made for me. I hugged her tightly and I felt more energetic than usual. Then we sat together at the desk, and she helped me eat my dinner. I felt so much better. After eating dinner, we laid down together on the bed and she cuddled me. It made me feel... alive. She even brought me a small present. I didn't expect something like that at all. She brought me a plush. A plush I can hug when I feel lonely. Then, unfortunately, she had to leave.

And here I am now, diary. Today was such a good day. Friedrich made it much better. When she did, I figured out what I was missing: it was warmth.
I feel warmer than usual tonight...."

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