ARC III Part 3

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ARC III Chapter 3
The commander spent the next two hours watching the duel between Vanguard and Monarch: both of them proved to be really skillful and put on quite the good show for him. He stood up, brushed the sand off his pants and yelled: "Alright girls, I gotta go now! Make sure to get enough sleep!"
"Alright commander!" Vanguard yelled too while her blade was clashing with Monarch's, who also shouted: "Have a good night, commander!"

The time had finally come. The commander headed towards the same shore where he had welcomed Nero, except it was nighttime. A couple of minutes later, he saw something approaching in the far distance: he could barely see its rigging from that distance, but it was rapidly getting closer. Approximately five minutes later, the newcomer set foot on the shore.
"Heya." Daniel greeted him very informally, as he liked doing.
"Sup." The boy answered as informally as him; his skin was dark, a bit darker than that of the South Dakotas, for comparison, and his eyes and hair were pitch black.
"So, I suppose you're the commander?" The boy asked.
"Correct, but you can call me Daniel if you want." The commander extended his hand towards him.
"My name's Kai, of the Eagle Union." Kai took Daniel's hand and shook it.
"So, before anything else... Do you mind showing me what you can do?" Daniel asked before summoning his rigging.
"I don't. But don't underestimate me, or you might get hurt." Kai smirked as he pointed his main guns at Daniel and grabbed his melee weapon, a hard-hitting hammer.
"Hm... Your main gun layout is almost identical to the Montana-class battleship... Interesting." The commander stared at him while holding his dual swords. And so, they had a small duel in which Daniel had the chance to understand Kai's pros and cons. He wasn't as fast as the commander, but he could land very hard hits with his hammer.

They sparred for ten minutes, after which they began walking towards the American dormitory.
"So, we're going to Russia tomorrow? Damn, it ain't even my first day and I'm already seeing some interesting action." Said Kai.
"I'm sorry for sending you on an operation so early, but it's a pretty important situation." Daniel explained; "You won't have time to get a tour of the HQ for now, but don't worry, you can ask your roommates anything."
"Eh, honestly, tours are pretty boring. I wanna explore this place myself."
"Oh? If you insist, I'll let you."
"Awesome. I could already have some fun that way."
Eventually, they arrived before the entrance of the American dormitory.
"This will be your home. But be careful not to make too much noise, because there are many other people living here, as you might tell." The commander explained before opening the doors.

Daniel proceeded to lead the newcomer to the Battleship floor, where his room was, and knocked on the door of the South Dakota-class room.
"As I told you earlier, you will be sharing a room with other girls; is that a problem?" The commander asked.
"Nah, as long as they let me chill, I'll be just fine." Kai answered.
"You got lucky, then. These girls have always been pretty laid-back, so you shouldn't find any trouble. But in case you do, lemme know."
A minute passed and nobody from the other side had shown any sign of life.
"... Did they seriously fall asleep again..?" The commander slowly opened the door and verified his assumption when he went inside.
"Yup, they're fast asleep." Kai said while entering.
"Uh, I know it might sound a bit rude, but what's with your name?" The commander whispered after turning to him.
"Those dudes in the shipyard told me I could pick a name for myself. Since my actual name is actually pretty lame, I just thought I could use my Discord username."
"... That is actually kind of hilarious, considering that the average person wouldn't expect a warship to use Discord, technically... Well, anyways, you don't have a bed of your own... So you either pick one of the other beds, or..."
"Floor's lookin' mad comfy though." Kai interrupted him before laying down on it.
"Well, you do you. I suggest you get some rest while you still can. It's something like 3 AM already, and we'll set sail in three or four hours." The commander waved goodbye and finally left.

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