Part 6

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Chapter 6
Nero entered the german dormitory. He took a deep breath. He slowly walked to the secret passage and opened it.
He stood in front of the hallway.
"Alright Nero, you got this..." he walked to the door and opened it.
Immediately after walking in the room, he noticed that Kumano was already in, sitting on the floor. She looked at him and sighed in relief.
Roon was sitting at her desk, writing on her notebook. Although she heard the door opening, she didn't turn around, and she kept writing.
"Uuh... Sup?" Nero tried to start a conversation.
"Heya..." Kumano replied.
But Roon didn't answer. She didn't stop writing.
Nero approached Kumano. "What's with her?" he whispered to her.
"I have no idea and I don't want to know.." she whispered back.
After a couple of minutes, Roon placed the pen on the desk and closed the notebook. That wasn't an ordinary notebook though: it was one of those diaries with a lock on them. She closed the diary and locked it with the key.
"Could you close your eyes please?" Roon asked them.
Nero and Kumano looked at each other for a second, then they did what Roon asked them.
"You can open them again." she said after hiding the key. Nero and Kumano did so.
Roon walked towards the door and opened it.
"Wait, where are you going?" Nero asked.
"Nowhere in particular." She answered, and she got out, closing the door behind her.
"Thank God!" Kumano yelled.
"Wait, is she allowed to wander around at night?" he asked.
"I don't know and I don't care at this point! Nero, can you sleep on Roon's bed? I don't feel safe on it.."
"Uuuh... Alright?"
So Kumano laid on Nero's bed and Nero laid on Roon's.
"Good night Nero!"
"Good night.."

Two hours passed. It was 10 PM. Kumano was sleeping peacefully, but Nero wasn't. His mind was full of thoughts and concerns, which didn't allow him to close his eyes. But the thing worrying him the most was that Roon still wasn't back.
"Where the hell is she..." He simply couldn't fall asleep. He got out of bed and walked out of the room.
He decided to look for her. Only knowing where she was would let him sleep. But he didn't know where to look.
"I'll just look everywhere until I find her..." He started by looking for her in the gardens, but she was nowhere to be seen.
There were two places left to check: the dormitories and the woods.
"I don't have the time to look inside every single dormitory... I could check the woods first." He thought. But then he remembered what the Commander told him. According to the girls, the woods were haunted.
"... Nah, it's just some myth, it can't be true." And so he walked to the woods' gates and entered.
"Alright, this time I mustn't get lost."
Nero walked through the woods, following the path. But after reaching the end of the path, he still didn't find her.
"Still nothing. I can't get lost for a second time. There won't be another extra path for me." He eventually decided to stop looking for her and just go to sleep. It took him 20 minutes to get back to the gates.
"Alright, I'll just sleep now." He walked back to the german dormitory. But he couldn't open the door.
"... Huh?" He tried again, but the door didn't open.
"Oh great. Apparently the dormitory doors are locked after a specific hour. It seems the door has been locked while I was in the woods." He couldn't go in any of the academy's buildings, his only option was staying outside.
"What if Roon got back inside? What if this research has been for naught?" He started regretting his choice.
"Nero? What are you doing here?"
He recognized that voice immediately and he turned around.
"Roon! Where the hell have you been?!" He asked her.
"I told you, I didn't go anywhere in particular! Why are you out at this time?"
"I could ask the same to you! Why didn't you get back in before the dormitories were locked?"
"... I don't really like being in my room. I don't feel comfortable in it."
"You could've told me! I couldn't sleep because I was worried about you! I even looked for you in the woods!"
"Nero. Did you go in the woods?" She suddenly interrupted him and approached him.
"... Yeah?"
"Did you stay on the path?"
"Good. Don't go in there ever again."
"But why? Is it because they say it's haunted? Do you really believe that?"
"... I do. So please, don't go in those woods. I don't want any accidents happening to you."
"Roon, could you tell me about the myth? I want to know what it is about at least."
"Sure. According to the myth, a KANSEN was killed in those woods years ago. They say that her blood still stains the grass of the woods. There would be a long string of blood in one area of the woods, and at night it's possible to see the ghost of the dead girl to this day. Of course it's all fake."
"A string of blood? Ghost? Pfft, what a joke! ... A string of blood..?"
Nero suddenly remembered about that black extra path which helped him find his way back when he got lost in the woods.
"... It can't be. I'm just making up things..."
"Nero?" Roon waved her hand in front of his eyes.
"Oh! Sorry, I was spacing out a little!" he laughed a bit.
"What were you thinking about?"
"Well uhm... Hey Roon. I never told you, but earlier today I got lost in the woods. And I was able to find my way back thanks to a string of what seemed to be black paint. Now, you told me that there's a string of blood in the woods, right? Well... I was thinking about that..."
"... Don't worry about that, Nero. It's just a silly myth." she smiled at him.
He blushed a little. "Hey now, don't look at me like that..."
"You're blushing." she giggled.
"Well, we can't get back inside for some time, so how about going for a walk? That could help you stop thinking about that black string you saw in the woods." She offered him her hand.
"... HAND HOLDING??? Uuuh... Fine, I guess..." he took her hand and they started walking.
"Wait... didn't she say that she believed the myth? But then she said it's a silly myth..."

Chapter 6 end

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang