Part 7

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Chapter 7
Nero and Roon spent the rest of the night walking around, and talking about everything which came to their mind. And before they knew it, it was 6 AM.
"Time really flies when you have fun, doesn't it?" Said Roon after checking her phone and noticing what time it was.
"You had fun?" Nero asked.
"I mean, this walk wasn't bad at all... Did you not have fun?"
"Of course I did! I was just asking.."
"Anyway, they should open all the doors of the different buildings, so we can get back inside. Also, isn't today your first day of attending lessons?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah, it is. I almost forgot honestly..." There had been so many things happening that Nero completely forgot about the lessons. Other than that, he didn't get any sleep that night.
"What if I fall asleep in class on my first day...?" he thought worryingly.
"Well, do you know when do lessons start, Roon?"
"They start at 10 AM."
"10 AM??? That's amazing!"
"I know, and even though they start so late, they finish at 2 PM, which is pretty early."
"The commander is amazing!" he exclaimed.
"There isn't any written homework, and the things to study at home are never too many, so this academy isn't difficult. There aren't any grades either, except for a final grade which is given at the end of each year. And the food at the canteen is actually very good. It might sound unreal, but the academy really is like this. It's a shame that I don't attend the lessons..."
"Wait, you don't?"
"Well, not yet, at least... you know, I don't have a very good reputation, so the Commander decided to assign me a sort of private teacher."
"Oh... Your reputation's that bad..?"
She nodded.
"I hope you will be able to attend the academy eventually, it must be pretty sad to have a private teacher.."
"It isn't so bad, though. The teacher is nice, and she's a KANSEN too, by the way."
"Oh. What's her name?"
Roon revealed that the teacher's name was Friedrich der Große, who is one of the best girls in the whole franchise in my opinion.
Did I just break the 4th wall somehow? Oops, my bad! Anyway, after chatting for a while, Roon went back to her room to attend her private lessons. Nero used the remaining time before the start of the lessons by walking around. At some point, though, he saw an interesting scene.
"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT I'M NOT A KID???" a blonde and short girl with green eyes was yelling on a bench. Another girl was sitting next to her: she had white, long hair (love the non sense hair colors in anime) and yellow eyes, and she was clearly taller than the other girl.
"It doesn't matter how many times you tell me, I'll keep messing around with you." the white-haired girl replied, smirking. "And honestly, your chest suggests you aren't so old anyway, hehehe." she added.
"DID YOU... CALL ME FLAT AGAIN?!" the yellow-haired girl yelled again. "YOU'RE NOT FUNNY, EUGEN, SHUT UP ALREADY!"
Nero watched everything from the distance, not knowing whether he could interfere or not. But the girl whose name was Eugen noticed him.
"Oh, hey, you over there!" she called him.
"Huh? What is it..?"
"Can you come closer?"
"Uh... Sure...?" Nero approached the two girls.
"Can I ask you a question? You have to be completely honest though." said Eugen.
"What is it..?"
"Look at the girl next to me very closely."
Nero did what Eugen asked him.
"Well... What's the question?"
"Is she flat?" she asked.
The blonde girl looked extremely annoyed by that question. She clenched her teeth and she looked like she was about to explode.
"Alright... now, if I say yes, things will get very dangerous... but I can't say no either, because it's really fricking evident... I gotta think..!" Nero had to make up an excuse quickly if he didn't want his life to end there.
"... I don't like to base my judgements on things like breast size. Therefore I won't express my thoughts on this topic." He said after thinking it through. Hipper's expression relaxed a little.
"My skin is saved today..." he sighed.
"Well, that doesn't change the fact that you're completely flat, Hipper." said Eugen.
"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Hipper yelled yet again and slapped Eugen.
"Oh crap... I think I should get out of here... fast..." Nero started sneaking away slowly as they fought. When he got far enough, he resumed walking normally. He checked the time on his phone and noticed that it was 9:41 AM. The lessons were about to start.
"Phew... I better get on my way to the academy." And so he did.
Chapter 7 end
Alriiight, two new boats introduced! Leaving the art down here.

Prinz Eugen

Admiral Hipper (stereotypical tsundere)

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Admiral Hipper (stereotypical tsundere)

Admiral Hipper (stereotypical tsundere)

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Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now