"So pretty" he mumbled and then got up from the bed... And walked towards the bathroom while issuing a command.. "Alexa.. turn off the blinds"

Jimin was not in a good mood when he woke up.. because of recurring dream he had last night .. it was not a dream but a vague memory that he had suppressed for so long that he believed it to be false until he met Jungkook..and saw those doe eyes.. as if those were trigger for his memory.. he has seen this same dream for so many times since then.. he is now sure that the boy who was with him that day .. who got kidnapped just because Jimin happened to took his hiding spot..was Jungkook...

He tried asking Jungkook if he remembers it.. but Jungkook said that he was too young to remember anything.. Jimin doesn't believe him.. no one forgets the moment when your life turned into hell.. not even kids.. but he still didn't press him.. he knew Jungkook don't want Jimin to go on guilt trip of what ifs... So he just denied it.

But Jimin kept having this dream again and again since they moved in together... But he is getting better at it . He is not letting it effect him.. especially seeing how if it wasn't for Jungkook they would all never have been together.. he would maybe still in mother's clutches... As well as he would not have this family..or Hobi..

Speaking of Hobi.. he did scared Jimin last night.. but he did make up for it as he showered Jimin with kisses and cuddle all night ..so it was natural that no matter how bad the dream was.. or how crappy the morning sunlight felt.. Jimin's mood instantly got better as he kissed his sunshine...
As Jimin was standing in front of the mirror after bath getting ready .. his mind was wandering to all such thoughts.. he felt gratifying to be here.. not only hobi.. but all other guys too.. they made his life so much happier that he didn't even realised was possible.. there no clients to deal with, no mother, no disgusting people ordering him to do all kind of stuffs... He used to be exhausted and in pain most of the time.. afterall no matter how good he was in bed, people who hired him didn't exactly liked anything vanilla. His body which was always covered in bruises and marks was clean for a change.. Jimin watched himself in mirror as he stroked his faint scarred skin which was healing every passing day.. his hands roamed on the belly which used to have abs but now was showing little fat.. he smiled involuntary as remembered Jin's scolding him for not eating enough when he tried to go on diet .... "Yaah Jimin-ah... If you want to loose weight.. exercise.. stop skipping meals or i will shove the rice in your mouth myself"... Jimin whined about gaining weight.. his cheeks looked fuller from before.. his abs are vanishing at the visible rate every single day.. but all Jin did was scoop another rice in his bowl... Hobi and Taehyung just laughed and told him he looks more beautiful than ever.. and frankly Jimin secretly agreed.. it was just the habit of wanting to remain in shape that says sexy.. but still even without all that he felt he was happier ..and this in turn brought brightness in his eyes and face which he never thought possible... Well atleast this is what Namjoon told him one day when he was mumbling about putting on weight in the store...Jimin grinned at the thought of everyone calling him cute... When he groaned and protested that he prefers word sexy...

It was an hour later when Jimin returned to the room.. he was ready to go out.. seeing hobi still sleeping, he bend down and kissed his forehead.. hobi groaned in his sleep as he open his eyes in his half women state.

"Where you going?" He asked in his sleepy voice..

"Store.. there are many people who likes to buy naughty Santa outfits just before Christmas" Jimin chuckled as he gave one Swift peck on Hobi's lips.. and latter just smiled and turned back to go to sleep . "Have fun.. save me one outfit" he mumbled and then went on snoring.

Jimin laughed and walked out of the room.


In the kitchen Jimin surprisingly found everyone eating breakfast except for Jungkook.. even Yoongi was there..

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