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"I think you are ready for it," my father said. He opened his drawers and pulled out a wooden box.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's for you," he said. "I wondered whether Cecilia would be able to do it... but no." He frowned. "She was a Squib."

"What's a Squib?" I asked.

"Those with no magic. But I can see it in you... there is so much power, my dear," he said, smiling. "It's yours."

I took the box from his shaky hands and pulled away the lid. Inside was a twig- perhaps stronger than just a frail twig, but a twig, nevertheless.

"It will grow more beautiful as it understands you," my father said. "Just as beautiful as you have grown. Ollivander's favorite one yet, according to him. It's White River Monster Spine with Red Oak. He bought it from Quintana, from USA. Isn't it handsome?"

"Uh... sure."

"Your mother and I bought it just a few days before you came to our lives," he continued. "White River Monster Spine always helps to produce spells most elegantly, quickly... and Red oak gives the power to fight quickly and adapt."

I frowned. "Is this like a lucky charm?"

"Why no," my father stood up, coughing. "It's a wand."

I blinked. "A what?"

"Wand," he stated again. "A wizard's wand."

I laughed. "You're kidding."

"Of course not," he frowned. He took out his own twig from a pocket and waved it in the air. "Accio Medicine."

Instantly, a plastic bottle flew from the nearby shelf into his hand. My eyes went wide. "What the hell was that?"

"That," my fa ther said, "was magic."

"What the hell," I whispered.

"And I want you to learn it," my father said. "You are my daughter. You should carry on my destiny."

"And that is?"

"Working towards a greater good."


"Accio!" I yelled. The plant flew to me along with the pot.

My father clapped. "Good, good. You're very powerful for a child who knows no magic."

I wanted to contradict that statement. Instead, I muttered a thanks. I didn't understand why I was still there at his house after two weeks. He hated my sister, that was for sure. It was not like suddenly we were having father daughter moments. He was just teaching me magic and I was just too curious to walk out of the house without knowing it all.

"Okay, now we'll test your Transfiguration," my father said. "Turn the plant to stone."

"Duro," I waved my wand. The plant turned into a perfect statue, as though it had seen Medusa in the eye.

"Now, turn the stone to a hedgehog. Non-verbally."

I waved my wand again at the plant and it's stone cracked into a hedgehog.

"Now kill it," my father said.

"What?" I asked.

"I haven't taught you that spell yet, have I?" he asked me.

"What do you mean, 'kill it'?"

"It means to make sure it dies, in case you were wondering," he said. He brought out his wand. "Avada Kedavra!"

A burst of green light issued from his wand, and I stared in shock as it hit the hedgehog.

I turned away. "It's okay," my father said. "It's painless."

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now