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"I'm afraid I've forgotten the rules," Chiron said, scratching his head. "What do I do if I get a plus four card?"

"Seriously? You just gave yourself away, Chiron!" Hestia chuckled.

"Ah, of course," Chiron said, smiling.

"So...." Lee started. "What happened?"

Chiron raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you're not here leaving your duties so you can play cards with us of all people," I said, smiling. "What happened?"

Chiron mumbled something about kids these days. He put down his cards. "It's... well, news."

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at him. "What kind?"

Chiron's face darkened. The corners of his lips turned down. "I- I don't know."

Hestia's dark red eyes glowed brighter. "What happened, Chiron?"

"My Lady-" Chiron began.

Lee and I put our cards down, not caring about the game.

"The trio have found the children," Chiron said slowly.

"Yes!" Lee pumped his fist in the air, grinning. "I knew they could do it!"

"That's lovely news, Chiron!" I said, high-fiving Lee. "I don't see why you were trembling on your tail ends to say that!"

Hestia was smiling softly. "They are skilled heroes," she said. "I trust Grover's journey was better with having Adam and Theseus around him."

Chiron just watched all of us for a few more moments. "That wasn't the only news, my lady."

I swallowed. Chiron's tone was not normal this time. His voice was actually cracking. Lee and I turned to the centaur expectantly.

"Chiron..." Lee started.

"We received an Iris-Message from Theseus this morning," Chiron sighed. "He informed us that... Adam Worth is dead."

I choked on my own saliva. My eyes started to sting with tears.

"He died an honorable death yesterday night while fighting off some Cyclopes," Chiron continued, his eyes shining with tears.

Hestia's palms were glued to her mouth. "Adam...." she whispered, her red eyes changing shades every moment.

Chiron sniffed. "They will be bringing the body tonight as they return," he said, his voice barely even a whisper.

Lee's eyes crossed over. He just stared at the statue of Alexandra.

"Lee?" I said, shaking him.

"Lee!" Hestia called.

My eyes went wide. 

Lee didn't budge. He just stared on, like he was having a seizure.

"Lee," I said softly, "it's okay. It's okay. Theseus will be back before you know it. I'm sure we can find a way for Adam."

"The body..." Lee responded.

"Shhh," Hestia said. "It's alright."

And his eyes sort of went calmer, I guess, but I was too busy trying to catch his head as he fell on his back.

"To the medical wing," Chiron said. "Now."

I don't remember what happened all the while. I remember carrying Lee to the Big House with Chiron and Hestia. I remember Michael Yew coming in with a supply of ambrosia and nectar. He asked us to stay away while he helped his brother in recovering.

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now