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"It's no use," Bill informed us. "We couldn't find him."

Silence rolled over the kitchen dining table like tsunami waves as the members of the Order took in the depressing information. Fred and George, experiencing their first Order meeting ever, began to twiddle with their thumbs, looking down at the table nervously.

I sighed and looked to Annabeth. Her eyes conveyed the same message that I had been thinking: 'They're losing hope, and so are we.'

"This is the end of the Order," Lupin said sadly. "With Moody gone-"

"He'd still want us to go on," Annabeth interrupted. "Moody may be gone, but he remains- in spirit, with us. Always. And a brave Auror like Moody would want us to make sure that we live up to his name and continue this organization until such a time it's mission is fulfilled."

"No one remains to lead us," Tonks sniffled into Lupin's shoulder. Lupin did put his arm around Tonks and held onto her, but his facial expression didn't seem to show any care- a strange thing that I had been noticing for days on end.

"She's right, Chase," Arthur nodded. "Kingsley is a good man, but his plate is already too overloaded to lead the Order as well..."

"Real optimistic, you lot are," I rolled my eyes. "Bright rays of sunshine."

Lupin raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked. "Not two months ago you were ready to blindly believe in anything Dumbledore said. Now it's our responsibility to continue his secret society, just how he wanted us to do it."

"And look where trusting Dumbledore got us," Molly huffed. "He's dead."

"Oh, right, you too, Molly?" I scoffed. "Lovely."

Annabeth's cold gaze fell on the dining table, and everyone leaned back at once. "It doesn't matter what Dumbledore thought," she said, her voice loud and clear. "He's a dead man, and he doesn't control the future. But we do. Destiny is unavoidable, but one can always challenge it. We need to create our own destiny. So let us fight the wrongs we did to get ourselves to this- this state of misery."

I nodded. "The Order continues, even if every single member in it dies."

Another wave of silence. All began to stare at Annabeth and me alternatively, and we were glad to return back their stares with piercing glares I hadn't used ever since I'd threatened Octavian back in who-knows-when.

"Believe it or not," I looked up to see who was speaking. "They're right." Charlie Weasley had spoken up for the first time I'd seen him in all the meetings of the Order. "Dragons may come and go- they give birth, they die- but we should always be there to clean up the mess. We don't have to fight against You-know-who in a way like- we challenge him to a duel everyday. We can just be dragonologists, helping in clean up the mess of the dragons and making sure everyone's okay."

I had to smile. What a weird comparison. Annabeth and I nodded at each other. It was working.

"The Order isn't just meant to fight Voldemort," Annabeth said. "It's supposed to help victims. It's supposed to prevent further attacks. It's supposed to stop the spread of Voldemort's influence. We're more than a secret society now. We're the helpers of the society."

Another moment of silence.

"Damn it," Arthur removed his spectacles, his face stuck in a moment of realization. "They're right."

Annabeth's lips twitched upwards.

The sound of chairs scraping made me look away from her, breaking our mental communication link. Two people were standing up.

Bill had stood up from his chair, looking at Annabeth fiercely. "I have been in the Order the past two years," he said. "And I don't think anyone here has expressed the true intentions of this secret society so clearly in all my life. Annabeth, if you are leading this mission, I will always have your back."

"What does zat mean?" Fleur, the only other person who had stood up too, asked. "'Ave your back?"

"It means I'll always be loyal to her," Bill explained to Fleur. "That I'll help her in her mission, whatever it takes."

Fleur's eyebrows raised. "Oh. Well, I stand with my husband too. Annabeth, I shall 'ave your back."

"I guess Jason and I don't have to say that to you for you to know we'll always watch your six, sis," Will smirked, and Annabeth laughed.

"Americans," Lupin rolled his eyes. "So much military language."

"You got a problem with that?" Annabeth asked, bringing out her best Southern Accent into play.

"Actually, I don't," Lupin smiled. "As long as we are led in the right direction. Towards a better tomorrow, where a Voldemort doesn't have to exist."

"But-" Molly began- "they're just kids-"

"It's time we let them take over, Molly," Lupin said. "This is not our world. This is theirs, and we're just living in it for now. They know the better way now."

"But- they-"

"They've grown well enough to fight against anyone who tries to harm their world," Lupin reacted to the worried Molly. "They're no longer children who accept fate. We made their destiny for them a while back- now it's their turn to create their own destiny, along with those of the others who are yet to come."

"And I'm damn sure that we'll do that destiny some good, Mother," Charlie said, grinning. "Annabeth, Jason, I'm with you guys until such a time as Voldemort doesn't even exist in books."

"That's a long time, then," I smiled.

"However long it takes."

I turned to the twins. They were smirking. Clearly some stupidly wonderful idea had rushed past their brains, and they were just waiting for their podiums.

Fred cleared his throat. "Well," he said, "since we'll be making our own destinies now, and not anyone else-" he was looking pointedly towards his parents, "-George and I have come to one decision."

George grinned like a monkey. "We're with you guys," he said. "We're with you, whether each of us lose another ear, or all our ears."

"-and I think we have some wonderful ideas we might want to discuss about in the near future," Fred smirked. "Especially a radio channel."

"And a fund. And a breakfast and bed at Hog's Head. And-"

"Woah, hold your horses," Will said, smiling. "Lovely to hear all that input, but first, we have to do some important things."

"Yeah," Charlie said, grinning. "We need to clean up the house, get ready for my bro's wedding, and finally, we need to get Harry ready to leave, just as Dumbledore planned it."

"Just as Dumbledore planned it," Annabeth reassured.

"I don't understand-"

"Molly!" everyone exclaimed, (literally everyone, even Arthur, and the rest were 'Mom!') "We've been over this!"

"Alright, alright!" Molly huffed. "Can't ask a darned question in this house, and I helped build it!"

A giggled passed over the table, and Arthur put his arm around his wife lovingly. "We'll get over it."

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now