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My teeth were chattering wildly. I pulled up my scarf higher so that I was literally breathing through it. I wrapped my arms around myself and started walking faster than ever.

"Woah, woah, calm down," Dolohov called.

"You do realize how cold it is right now, don't you?" I asked him. "It's like, ten degrees Celsius!"

"We could really just apparate to her house but no, Narcissa had to put a non-Apparition jinx all over," I shivered. "Come on, Dolohov!"

He had to jog behind me to catch up. "How do you have so much energy at this time in the morning?"

"I don't- I just have the will to survive," I said, now running down the street. "I'll see you by the house, Dolohov."

That's one way to run away from a proposal from a Death Eater. 


Severus had been kind enough to throw me an earlier Christmas present and tell me that Dolohov was indeed, planning on a proposal to marry- drum roll, please- me.

Ever since then, I'd run away and try not to catch Dolohov's eye at any point of my singularly boring life. 

I came to a slow at the bus stop, panting for breath, and trying to stay out of sight as Dolohov ran past me without a clue as to where I was. 

"Ariana?" a voice sounded behind me. "Ariana... Adler?"

I turned around.

My eyes went wide immediately. "You look good with a beard," was the only thing I could say. 

Steve Rogers smiled. "Thanks. I'm Steven Rogers."

I nodded. "Everyone knows Captain America. I'm Ariana Adler."

"Look, let's cut the crap," Steve said, turning serious. "I heard you were with Tony."

"Yea-yeah, I am," I said, turning red. "Anything you need?"

"Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about him," Steve said. 

"Uh..." I started, "okay. But not now. I don't have time. Meet me at Number 11, Grimmauld Place at three in the evening?" 

"Okay," Steve nodded. "I will."

"You can get all your other buddies too if you want, I've got enough space," I said. "And food."

Steve smiled. "Thanks."

"I've got to go, sorry," I said apologetically, and started towards Malfoy Manor.


Thankfully, Dolohov had already gone inside by the time I reached. I walked down the cold corridors of the house, my black scarf still over my nose and mouth. 


I turned around with a smile. "Lestrange!"

Bellatrix gave me a wicked smile. "Long time, no see."

"That's my dialogue," I said, smiling. "How's everything? Comfy?"

"Oh, so so, really," Bellatrix said as we continued to walk towards the meeting room. "The Dark Lord won't allow me to do anything."

"Oh, believe me, Bella, he's probably saving you for something special," I said, trying not to grit my teeth.

Bellatrix laughed like a maniac. "You always know how to make me feel better."

"Don't you ever feel cold?" I asked. "All you're wearing is your cloak!"

"It's enough, dear," Bellatrix said. 

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora