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I fell onto the drakon's back, motionless, as we spilled out into London.

My eyes closed on their own, and black smoke started to issue from my mouth and nostrils like some fire burning inside me had just been extinguished.

The Mist was covering me, that's all I knew.

Although my vision was blurry, I could see the dark shadows of Nico, Melinoe, Macaria and Hades, my family, watching with their jaws hanging open as spirits flooded into the plains.

"I thought it'd be monsters!" Macaria said. 

"What the heck happened down there?" Melinoe was saying.

I heard the garbled voices of the spirits talking to my father, Hades.

The drakon turned to me and gave me glance like 'where to next?'

"Slip away," I whispered. My throat felt like a stone was stuck down it.

I closed my eyes and took a breath of the least unpolluted air I'd had ever.... since I'd gotten the boon of breathing. 

"DAD!" Nico screamed. 

I woke up with a jerk, thinking whether the drakon had swallowed my dad, but he was still under my control, sniffing the air delightedly.

Then why was Nico screaming?

I looked around and gasped at the horror.

Hades, the god of death, was kneeling on the ground as though he was the one about to die. 

"Stop," I croaked to the drakon, looking at what was happening with disgust and a bit of curiosity.

Nico was holding onto Dad, putting an arm around his shoulder, when Dad's cloak began to disintegrate into dust.

I wanted to run to him and help, but then that would blow my cover. 

As though he were a painting that was burning away to reveal another painting, Dad's cloak made from the misery of spirits and his classy but traditional Greek look became dust, floating through the air, and in his place was now a stern-looking man, wearing a completely black tux with a bow and when I looked at it closely, I could see the souls trying to escape from their agony, much like Hades' robes. He wore a silver ring on his finger and his skin was pale, so much so that it was almost blue, like cold milk.

Hades had faded away into Pluto, against his own will.

I was so confused for a moment I thought I was in the wrong universe or something.

I let my fingers flow through the dust that had once been my Greek father, Hades.  

And almost as instantly as I'd touched it, my head began to fill up with visions.

Everything from the moment that Thanos had started the search for the infinity stones to the second that he had snapped his fingers- I saw it all in 1080p.

I saw Tony Stark almost die.

I saw Steve Rogers hold up the gauntlet for just a moment.

I saw the shock on Thanos' face.

I saw Thor throw his axe into Thanos' chest.

I saw Ariana throw the purple grape man into the forest with a spell. 

I saw Thanos reverse Time to get back the Mind Stone.

My blood began to roar in my ears. How dare he change time without the permission from me- the literal goddess of time?! 

I felt corrupted. My eyes filled with tears. How dare he?

My anger was the fuel to my energy and my mind.

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now