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*3 years later* (So Ariana's probably like 18 and Luke is 18/19)

"I love seeing you back," Chiron said. "Lee has been very bad company."

Lee frowned, "Hey!"

I laughed. "You have no more of your dignity left to save, Fletcher."

Lee glared at me, gripping his bow tight.

"You don't fight with guests, Lee," I reminded him. "I'm just here for the weekend, remember?"

"I'll push you out the borders and remove your kneecaps with a spoon," Lee said.

My eyes went wide for a moment. "You're learning threats!" I exclaimed, patting him on the back and smiling. "Oh my gods, my baby is growing!"

Lee sighed and melted into a hug. "Welcome back," he said softly. "We missed you." He pulled away, "Just wait till Annabeth hears you're here-"

But his words were interrupted by a blonde head who tackled me into a hug.

Eleven year old Annabeth had been quite difficult to deal with, indeed. She pulled me into the camp, "Come on, let's go for sword lessons!"

I laughed, "Alright, alright, I'm coming! Just stop pulling me!"

The camp grounds didn't seem to have changed at all in the past three years. I had been training so continuously that the two goddesses didn't let me go until they thought I was ready enough for a rest. Besides, you have a lot of responsibility when you were Odysseus, Atalanta and Perseus in your previous lives.

Standing in the middle of the crowd and demonstrating with his sword was a boy with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Luke had grown his hair out and he no longer looked like a kid who'd run from military service. I think the specific word that Silena Beauregard used to describe him was 'hot'.

I wouldn't disagree with her.

He was teaching the Hermes kids and my cabin. Ruby Wolfe was the temporary Athena Cabin Counsellor. And although she wasn't bad at it, she couldn't teach sword fighting, so Luke had taken overall charge of the activity.

"Annabeth?" Ruby called as the girl ran back to the grounds happily ahead of me, "Where in the world were you all this time-" her gaze fell on me, "-Ariana?"

"Hi," I replied weakly. My muscles were still sore from that tackle hug that Annabeth had pulled me into.

Heads turned all around. Luke was the first one to let go of his sword and look to me. "Ariana!" he called, grinning. He waved at me.

I smiled at him, "Hey, Luke!"

Luke walked to me, "How was training?"

"Oh I still have loads to learn," I replied. "You look better."

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, frowning. "I always look good."

I rolled my eyes. "You're less like a military freak now," I said.

"I'm not a military freak."

"Just take the compliment, dammit!"

Luke smirked, "Alright, alright." He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into a hug. "We missed you."

"I know. I missed you too. I missed all of you."

The Athena Cabin merged into a group hug with Luke and a few other close Hermes Cabin members. "Welcome back, Ari," Annabeth said.

"I'm so glad to see all of you," I said as we pulled back and smiled at each other. "I've learnt so much- OW!"

Malcolm was clinging onto my leg like a spider. "You're not going anywhere else now," he said.

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now