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"Captain! Captain!" the man shook me awake.

Red blood stained the cave walls all over. The man's dark complexion was terrifyingly obscured by the red blood all over his face. Beyond him, a fat one-eyed monster lay on the ground, his eye shut closed.

"We must move quickly," I stood up. "We don't have much time," the man helped me limp towards the Cyclopes. "He's drunk enough to not wake up for a while."

"Polites is dead," the man said.

My knees felt weak. Polites. I don't know who that was, but when I looked at the body of the man, I almost broke down. He had platinum blonde hair, striking gray eyes and most importantly, on his necklace there were twelve beads. I would recognize Theseus Young anywhere. My eyes welled with tears.

"Never give up," he would've told me. "Always greet the world with open arms, and when time asks for it, show it no mercy."

"Mark my words now," I picked up my courage, "this isn't the end. Our journey's just begun."

"But Captain, what do we do with our fallen friends?" the man asked. He looked vaguely like Charles Beckendorf- probably older.

"Remember them," I said. The soldiers who were still alive, merely looked at me, their faces serious. "Remember them, when the fire begins to fade. Remember them, we're the ones who'll carry on their flames of their souls. And-" I looked at Tess, "we cannot let them die in vain." I raised my sword the to air, determined. "FOR ITHACA'S SOLDIERS!"

The crew put their swords to the air.

"Captain," Charles asked, "what are our orders?"

"I need all hands on his club," I directed. "This is how we're getting out of here. Use your swords to sharpen the stub and turn it to a giant spear. Eurylochus, tell the archers to move back from his body and instead tell them to grab the sheep. We need to get going."

"Let's kill him!" the swordsmen cheered, sharpening the club.

"We can't kill him," I said. "His body's blocking the path. If we kill him we'll be stuck inside."

"So where do we attack him?" Charles- Eurylochus asked.

I thought hard. Legs- no. Probably arms- no. The light bulb glowed in my head. "We've gotta stab him in the eye!"

"Yes sir!" the crew responded, picking up the large spear with much force. "On your mark, sir!"

I took a deep breath in. "FOR OUR MIGHTY DEAD!" I yelled. "Now!"

A terrible squelching sound echoed through the cave as the spear pierced Polyphemus' eye. "Scatter!" The Cyclops roared in agony, his hands punching and and kicking anything that came in his way and instantly killing them. Thousands of sheep almost died, but thanks to our agile archers, they were still alive.

We hid behind the rocks, waiting as Polyphemus got up and began to stamp so furoiusly on the ground that it began to shake. "AHHH!"

"When do we leave?" Eurylochus whispered.

"Wait," I whispered back-


I turned around to see more glowing eyes emerging out of the darkness.

I turned to the crew. "Hide," I whispered, signaling not to panic.

"There are more of them?" a soldier's voice cracked in fear.

"WHO HURTS YOU?" the other Cyclopes asked in once voice.

"Captain, we should run," Eurylochus advised.

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now