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"Hey, it could be worse," Luke said. "At least we actually like each other."

I rolled my eyes. "Still," I pouted.

Luke smiled. "If you're that angry at the gods we could pretend like we broke up."

I bit my lip. "That's a great idea."

Luke laughed. "You're so chaotic, you know that?"

"I thought you liked chaos."

Luke's grip tightened around my waist. "I actually do. I like it a lot," he said. He pressed his lips to mine. "I love it," he said through his teeth. He pulled away and carried me, bridal style. "I'd bring you to my cabin, but it's always so full."

"My mother would strike you down with lightning if you even think about it," I warned Luke.

Luke smiled. "She doesn't have to know."

"Shut up," I hit his shoulder and got down. "I'm going."


"My cabin," I said.

"Aww, no," Luke pulled me back by the wrist. "There's still an hour for curfew."

"Yeah, but unlike you, I need sleep," I said. "I have to go back to training tomorrow. Alexandra will be picking me up."

Luke frowned. "You don't have to leave," he said. "You can just stay. What's the use, anyway?"

"What d'you mean?" I asked.

Luke didn't answer. He looked down at the ground. "I just mean, what the use of fighting for gods instead of fighting for ourselves?"

"Who said we're fighting for gods?" I scoffed. "We're fighting so we can be alive. And besides, I like what I'm doing. I'm bonding with my mother-"

"What about the others?" Luke asked. "There is so much inequality in this camp- see, the Hermes kids always have to support everyone else. And yet the gods don't even care about their own children. When- when has any of them even so much as paid us a visit?!"

"Luke," I swallowed. "Don't go about saying this aloud."


"Your ideals are good, but there are still gods out there who care about us. Alexandra-"

"Alexandra let Adam Worth- your best friend- die!"

I took a step back. "No. She saved him from a fate worse than getting killed by a Cyclopes," I said.



"No, Ari," Luke sighed. "It's time we took matters into our own hands, don't you think? Imagine a world without these gods. A world we could create by ourselves, a perfect world, crafted just according to our needs."

"Luke, you can't become a god," I said, eyes wide. "Be serious, I mean, it could all sound good, but we can't bear that same burden-"

"What if we could?" Luke asked, taking my palm in his. "What if?"

"Luke, what are you talking about?" I asked, stepping back and away from him.


"You don't know how much of a responsibility someone's job is until you take it. The gods are not perfect, but they're still better than Kronos and his minions. Be grateful they do not rule this Earth."

My hairs stood on one end as I walked away from Luke. What was he even up to?



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