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It was too late for Piper to leave, however.

Everything seemed fuzzy, slow.

I pulled out the coin and the wand almost simultaneously and stood at the ready. "Piper! Leave!"

Piper looked around herself, trying to find a way out. "I can't!"

Many people were only just realizing that something strange had happened; heads were still turning toward the silver cat as it vanished. Silence spread outward in cold ripples from the place where the Patronus had landed. Then somebody screamed.

Holding our palms tight, we threw ourselves into the panicking crowd. Guests were sprinting in all directions; many were Disapparating; the protective enchantments around the Burrow had broken.

"Piper, if you're staying, help!" I told her.

Almost immediately, Piper threw her mini bag onto the ground. Amazingly enough, it bounced back at her, turning into Katoptris as it soared into her hand.

Cloaked and masked figures were appearing in the crowd; then I heard Lupin and Tonks shout, "Protego!", a cry that was echoed on all sides-

"Jason!" Hermione bumped into me. "Have you seen Ron?!"

I stared at Hermione for moment before realizing what she was saying. "No," I replied. "No- no- Hermione," I shook her by the shoulder, looking at Harry next to her, "you need to get out of here! GO-"

A streak of green light passed over my head.

Annabeth shrieked in anger, throwing a rude gesture at a Death Eater before proceeding to horrifyingly turn him into a duck.

I turned to Harry. "GO."

I didn't have to say it twice. Hermione and Harry, holding hands tightly and crying out for Ron squeezed through the crowd and out.

I pulled out my wand and raised it upwards. Energy flowed through my body. The air was charging with electricity. 

"PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN!" Piper shouted at a Death Eater, and almost instantly, the Death Eater dropped his wand. "HEY! DON'T YOU DARE- ALL ARMS DOWN!"

I had to smile at Piper. Her powers were really amazing.

I pulled the charge down, and the sky followed along with it. A blue and white streak of lightning charged downwards from the sky to my wand. I brought down the stick, and aimed it at the group of Death Eaters crowded by Harry and Hermione.

With a deafening BANG, the Death Eaters flew from their positions, leaving behind Harry and Hermione, trying to grasp Ron's hand, all unhurt, but exposed enough.

And then he caught hold of Hermione's free arm, and the girl turned on the spot-

They were gone.

Annabeth put her fingers to her lips, closed her mouth and blew. A shrill whistle sounded through the night.

I turned back to the fight at hand, and sent a stunning Jinx at a Death Eater.

"Jason!" Remus turned to me. "Have they left?"

"Yes!" I yelled. "STUPEFY! They're gone!"

Remus breathed a sigh of relief. "He's gone!" he yelled to the other members in general.

A roar of cheer passed, and George pumped his fists into the air.

"Let's bust this hellhole and get everyone out of here!" Annabeth yelled. Another wave of cheer.

I brought down another streak of lightning. Thunderclouds broke and silver coins began to pelt down.

"EXPULSO!" Remus shouted as I looked at the sky.

Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Where stories live. Discover now