Returns and Confusion

Start from the beginning

Rinko: I-

Alice: Of course.

Rinko: *confused*

Alice: I would not mind. But first, could you please prove to us that you are not a robot? It is only fair.

(y/n): Damn, that was a good one.

Reporter 1: W-Well I'm obviously human, how would I go about proving that?

(y/n): There are quite a few ways that you can.

Alice: It is simple, I could open up your skull and show everyone here your brain.

Crowd: *confused*

(y/n): *chuckles*

Sugu: *nervous laugh* Alice sure isn't messing around.

(y/n): It's to prove a point.

The guy sits down and then someone else stands up.

Reporter 2: Umm, this question is for Dr. Kojiro, labor unions have raised the concern before, about the use of advanced AI in industry causing unemployment to rise even further, are those fears unfounded?

Rinko: Let me make one thing perfectly clear, our institute has no intention of providing true AI for application in simple labor.

Reporter 2: But the fanatical sector seems to have hopes you will, in fact, the stocks of industrial robot manufacturers shot up when you announced this presser.

Rinko: A true AI, or rather what we like to call an artificial fluctlight, is not the sort of thing that can be mass-produced in a short amount of time.

I was smirking and everyone was smiling.

Rinko: They're born as infants and raised by their families from children till adulthood just like us, they mature and develop their own unique personalities, just like us. To force an intelligence like that to spend their existence as a robot in some factory is inhumane and should not be allowed.

Reporter 2: Doctor, I'm sorry but are you saying that AIs should have the same rights as humans?

Rinko: At this point in time, I don't expect any of you to accept artificial fluctlights as human beings with human rights, that's a topic that requires a more thoughtful discussion, however, I believe that in a century or 2, our society will advance to the point where we'll be living with them as equals, interacting freely with them and accepting them as ordinary, we'll even marry and start families with them, it's only a matter of time really and since a shared future with them is inevitable it would be immoral to subject them to slavery.

Reporter 2: But they're not like us. Their existence is totally different from ours, they're mechanical, made by humans in a factory, how are we supposed to accept them as equal to us when their bodies aren't even flesh and blood?

(y/n): That stupid bitch needs to shut her mouth because she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Rinko: I-

Alice moves her hand to stop Rinko from talking.

Alice: If I may speak quite frankly, We accept you real-world humans for what you are, our creators, and we are grateful to you for creating us, when we learned of your existence a man from my world pointed something out, suppose the real world also had a creator, who created them and how many more creators are there behind them? *gets up* I ask you, if your creator appeared before you one day and made you their slaves, how would you respond to that? Would you grovel, pledge loyalty, beg for mercy? As of now, I have met some of your kind and enjoyed their company, and even though I am a stranger here, they have welcomed me, welcomed us, and supported us. We have learned much from them and they have shown us so many sights. I am very fond of them, we all are, and that is not all, I feel deeply for one of them, dare I say I love him and the thought of not being able to see him now pains me so, it feels like this metal chest would burst.

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