The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)

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TW: Mentions of blood being drawn

(y/n) POV

January 11th 2026

Yuuki: *using the intercom in the room* Don't cry Asuna, (y/n).

Asuna and Kurahashi: *gasp in shock*

Asuna: *looks around* Yuuki, Yuuki, you can hear us!?

Yuuki: Yeah, I can hear you, I can see you too. Wow, you both look exactly like you do in the game. Thanks for coming to see me.

Asuna: *voice breaking* Yuuki, I just- I don't-

(y/n): Yuuki.

Yuuki: Hey doc, would it be ok if Asuna and (y/n) use the room next door?

Kurahashi: Sure, why not. I keep 2 Amuspheres in there so I can visit her, go ahead it's all yours.

Asuna: Thanks. *walks to the door but looks back at (y/n)* Are you-

(y/n): I'll catch up with you in a minute, I want to talk to the doc about something.

Asuna: Ok.

Yuuki: The ALO app is on the startup menu. After you log in, come to the place where we first met ok.

Asuna: *while Yuuki is talking* *walks in and the bowes towards the doc*

Kurahashi: What did you want to talk about (y/n)?

(y/n): Let's talk outside.

Kurahashi: Ok.

We both walk outside and I walk down a random hallway while Kurahashi follows behind me.

Kurahashi: So what is it that you wanted to talk about?

(y/n): Well I want to help her if I can.

Kurahashi: I don't know if you can but I'm up to suggestions.

(y/n): Would there be anyway that my blood could help? (none of this medically accurate, I looked. Please forgive me but I wanted to find a way to save Yuuki)

Kurahashi: I don't know.

(y/n): Well after Asuna leaves could you draw some blood and run tests with her blood or something please.

Kurahashi: Ok, after Asuna leaves we can do that.

(y/n): Thank you.

Kurahashi: *arrives at Yuuki's door* Go to her.

(y/n): I will, thanks doc.

Kurahashi: No, thank you for being a spark of joy for her, you and Asuna.

(y/n): Always.

I quickly enter into the room and then head to the other room and log onto ALO and haul ass as quickly as possible and find Asuna and Yuuki. I find the island and perform a leap of faith and land quite softly on the ground. I walk up behind the 2 talking.

Yuuki: I knew it, I don't know how you did it but I had a feeling you'd find me in the real world, somehow. And I was so careful not to say nothing, I thought I had you fooled. *turns to look at Asuna* It didn't work, you found me anyway. I must be turning psychic because my predictions never come true.

(y/n): *walks up to the both of them* I had to call in a favor but for you it was worth it.

Yuuki: (y/n), you'd do that for me?

(y/n): Yeah, I'd do it for any of my friends. We were concerned when you left but I get why you did it, you didn't want what happened to you to affect us as much but I couldn't stand there and let you hurt yourself for our sakes.

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