I Make My Own Luck

182 4 11

(y/n) POV

November 7th 380HE

(y/n): Silica, Sachi?!

Both of them removed their hoods and it was indeed Silica and Sachi. Both of them rushed over and tackled me in a hug. I hugged them back in an instant.

(y/n): What are you 2 doing here?

Sachi: We came to help you.

(y/n): I'm guessing Liz stayed behind, right?

Silica: Yeah. She stayed behind to rally the people like you asked.

(y/n): I see. Well, thanks for the help there.

Sachi: You taught us after all.

(y/n): I did and I taught you well.

I then heard a groan and the 3 of us broke apart. The cry came from Reaper as he was somehow still alive. I threw a knife in his head and killed him instantly. I walked over and got my knife back.

Fanatio: So, are you going to introduce us?

(y/n): Oh sorry, this is Silica and Sachi. They're a couple of friends and 2 more of my girlfriends. I've trained them in my ways so they have a skill set similar to mine along with some of my abilities.

Fanato: Like what?

(y/n): *smirking* Show them.

Sachi and Silica then disappeared, surprising most of The Integrity Knights except for the ones who had seen my skill before.

Fanatio: Where did they go?!

Eldrie: I have no idea.

I just snapped my fingers and the 2 of them popped up next to Eldrie and Fanatio, scaring the crap out of them. I just let out a chuckle as Sachi and Silica walked over to our friends.

(y/n): Now you see.

Fanatio: Yeah.

Silica: Oh, and before we forget, we got you guys your hidden blades.

Sachi handed out hidden blades to Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Sinon, Alice, Yuuki, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka their hidden blades. They all put them on and quickly checked them.

Kirito: They aren't going to know what hit them.

(y/n): You got that right.

Silica: So, how has it been?

(y/n): So far so good, everything's worked out as I planned it to.

Sachi: Good.

(y/n): Now comes the difficult part.

Kirito: Yeah.

Silica: So what's the plan?

(y/n): We'll fill you in tomorrow.

Sachi: Ok.

(y/n): Well, I'm going to sleep.

I walked back into my tent. I quickly went to bed and tried to sleep.

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) being (y/n)

I was trying to sleep for 30 minutes and I managed to start going to sleep. A noise woke me up and I instantly went for the gun on my bedside table and had it aimed. Being startled awake fucking sucks. My eyes were wide looking for what made the noise, worrying it was an enemy and my breathing was a little rapid. My eyes finally focused and I saw what made the noise, Sachi, Silica, Leafa, Sinon, Yuuki, and Alice were standing at the opening of my tent and I had my gun pointed at them, ready to shoot.

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