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Since today is my birthday I wanted to give you guys something as a gift for getting this to over 8k view.

TW: Mention of attempted sexual assault

(y/n) POV

January 8th 2026

We all take off and get to the boss just as Kirito threw the smoke bomb.

Siune: *closes the door*

Me and Asuna watch as the door closes and we look at Kirito with smoke and fire in front of him and he turns around and while holding his sword and holds 2 fingers up.

Asuna: *gasps*

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Asuna: *gasps*

(y/n): *does a 2 finger salute*

Kirito gets obscured by fire to the point that we can't see him anymore.

Asuna: Yeah, we will beat him.

The door closes and we can't see Kirito anymore. Me and Asuna turn back around to look at everyone.

Asuna: Ok, drink you potions guys, max out your HP and MP. *everyone drinks* Stick to the plan and we'll have a shot. We know at the start it's attack patterns are simple, stay calm and avoid them. *looks around* Huh?

Yuuki: Asuna, (y/n), those guys, those friends of yours, are they here just to help us?

(y/n): Yeah, I asked them to come here. Me and Asuna explained everything and they understand how important this is to you guys. Let's do this to make it worth their effort.

Yuuki: Yeah but, I mean we can't let you 2 do all of this and not give you anything in return.

Asuna: *puts a hand on Yuuki's shoulder* But you have, you've taught me something that I am always going to remember, "sometimes you have to fight to get your point across", right.

Yuuki: *shocked*

(y/n): *walks over and puts a hand on Yuuki's other shoulder* Also, you've paid us back tenfold for just being yourself.

Yuuki: *blushing a little*

Asuna: Well, this is our last chance at this, time's running out, it won't be long until that guild regroups and comes charging through that door. Let's do our best to win so we can flash them a victory sign when they do.

(y/n): Or just flip them off.

Yuuki: *giggles*

Asuna: Hey Yuuki, when this battle is over I want you to tell me all about yourself, I want to know about all the world's you've been to and all of the adventures you've had.

(y/n): Me too.

Asuna switches from her sword to her wand and I turn around and draw both of my swords just as the boss starts spawning. Everyone gets ready for the fight. Yuuki smacks herself to wake up and tells everyone the boss is here and the get ready. We all start the fight with the boss. Me, Yuuki, and Nori charging towards the boss. The boss slams one of his hammers down and Tecchi blocks the shockwave with his shield. Me, Yuuki, and Nori goes for one of the bosses legs and we all land multiple hits with my dual swords, Yuuki's sword, and Nori's spear. Asuna launches a spell towards the boss, hitting it in the head and knocking it back. The boss launches a chain attack and I backflip over it as Tecchi blocks it with his shield but everyone gets hit. Asuna and Siune chant a spell that heals everyone. Me and Yuuki run off towards the boss as Tecchi and Jun block his chain attack. Me and Yuuki jump up and both of us land a heavy shash on the boss.

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