The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)

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(y/n) POV

May 18th 380HE

(y/n): Need a hand?

Eugeo: Yeah. 

I draw out my Sun Sword and put the tip to the ice. 

(y/n): Enhance Armament. 

The blade becomes engulfed in fire. I stab the blade into the ice and it starts heating up. The ice starts melting and once it fully melts around the 2 I remove my sword and put it back in its sheathe. I offer my hand to Eugeo and once he grabs ahold of my hand, I pull him out. 

Eugeo: Thanks and good timing too. 

(y/n): Yeah, I couldn't stand him for long. 

Eugeo: I know what you mean. 

I walk over to Bercouli and offer him my hand. He takes it and I pull him out of the bath. 

Bercouli: Thanks. 

(y/n): No problem. 

Bercouli: So you've been here the whole time, hidden. 

(y/n): Yep. 

Bercouli: *chuckles* Smart. And why were you hidden, just to take Churdelkin out or to help out your friend? 

(y/n): To take out Chudelkin, piece of shit was annoying. 

Bercouli: *laughs* I can agree with you there. So you knew that he was going to do that? 

(y/n): Yep. 

Bercouli: How-

(y/n): It's very complicated but with the stuff I say, they're very true. 

Bercouli: Alright, I'll bite, so everything the kid said was true? 

(y/n): Every word. 

Bercouli: Damn. 

(y/n): Yeah. 

Bercouli: Well I owe you my life, thank you. 

(y/n): You owe me nothing. But I'm here to warn you.

Bercouli: About? 

(y/n): There's a war coming, The Dark Territory is going to invade The Human Empire. 

Bercouli: How do you know? 

(y/n): It's complicated. 

Bercouli: Everything with you is complicated, isn't it? 

(y/n): More or less. 

Bercouli: *laughs* Alright then. But could you just explain something to me, about why you are here? 

(y/n): Well 2 things, first to get my friend out of here and second to get Alice out of here. 

Bercouli: *confused* 

(y/n): Buckle up for a long story. 

I start explaining who me and Kirito are and where we're from, the importance of Alice, and the war coming. He nods along and seems to understand everything I'm saying. 

Bercouli: Alright. So after you are done taking out The Pontifex, you want me and the rest of The Integrity Knights to form an army while you go back to the real world to talk to the creator of this world to hold off the war for as long as he can to buy us time to form this army while you and Kirito leave with Alice in the hopes to save this world. 

(y/n): Pretty much. 

Bercouli: Alright. I believe you. 

(y/n): Thanks. *looks around* You sure did a number on this place Eugeo. 

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