The Moonlit Black Cats

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(y/n) POV

June 22 2023

I have been waiting for this specific date for a reason. I knew that today was the day that Sachi and all of the other Moonlit Black Cats died most of them in a trap room and I was going to prevent that from happening, whatever it takes. I know that this happens on the 27th floor so after telling everyone else I was going out I went straight to the 27th floor and stood by the labyrinth hidden by my armor. After an hour I saw Kirito and the guild walk by and I followed them.


After an hour I see them about to leave but then they notice a room and 2 of them go in there.

(y/n): I would not go in there if I were you. *reveals self*

Ducker: *opens chest* Oh crap.

(y/n): Fucking idiot.

I sprint and get to the door then in a split second decision I pushed Sachi out just before the door closed.

(y/n): Right you to stay behind me, got it?

Both of them: Got it.

(y/n): Good (thoughts) Now to protect these 2 with everything i've got. Now I need to start playing some music for my self to keep calm. Oh i've got it

"Falling too fast to prepare for this
Tripping in the world could be dangerous
Everybody circling, it's vulturous
Negative, nepotistEverybody waiting for the fall of man
Everybody praying for the end of times
Everybody hoping they could be the one
I was born to run, I was born for this"

I started by slashing each monster I could and made sure that none of the could get to the other 2 members. I beheaded 5 in a row and to anyone else it would look like I was kinda going crazy but every attack was deliberate and calculated. Then I took a smoke bomb and threw it on the ground and told the 2 of them to duck and hurled my throwing knives and killing my of them with deadly accuracy because I was able to see with my eagle vision. After 30 minuets the door popped open and I told the other 2 to go and that I would cover their exit. After they left I left and made sure everyone was safe.

Ducker: Thank you for the save and who are you?

(y/n): Ah my mistake let me introduce myself I am (y/n) and I am glad I could help.

Kirito: (y/n)?

(y/n): Hey Kirito it is good to see you again.

Kirito: It's good to see you again to but what are you doing here?

(y/n): Oh I was grinding to get some materials for a couple of things.

Kirito: Ok well I am glad that you were nearby but why couldn't you teleport out?

(y/n): While I was fighting I saw Ducker trying to teleport out but the crystal would not work so the room turned out to be a teleportation nullification zone.

Kirito: Oh and shoving Sachi?

(y/n): So that she would not be in there when the trap went off. And Sachi I am sorry if I shoved you to hard I just had to make sure that you got out of there.

Sachi: It's ok and I understand why you did it.

(y/n): Thanks

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(y/n): Thanks. So Kirito, when are going to return to the front lines.

Kirito: Probably soon I just wanted to make sure that these guys would be ok.

(y/n): Ok, well I am probably going to go so I will probably see you later.

Ducker: Wait, how about you come and stay with us for the rest of the day so that we can thank you properly.

(y/n): I don't know guys.

Sachi: Please we want to repay you for helping us.

(y/n): Firstly I don't want/need to be repaid I just did it so that no one would die secondly if you are sure I guess I could swing on by.

Ducker: Yay this is going to be so fun.

We went back to where they were getting a house. After talking to the leader for a while we started a party and it was great there were snacks and drinks and we did a lot of karaoke (and turns out Sachi could sing and she had a beautiful voice) then everyone was out accept for me, Kirito, and Sachi.

(y/n): Hey Sachi could I ask you for a favor real quick?

Sachi: Sure what is it?

(y/n): Could I send you a friend request?

Sachi: Sure.

(y/n): Thanks and if you ever need me send me a message and I'll come as soon as I can and try to not take many risks please me and Kirito want you to make it out of this hell hole.

Sachi: I'll try.

(y/n): Thanks and Kirito I'll see you soon.

Kirito: See you.

After I left I headed back the were I was staying with my guild. After I went inside I saw everyone out on the couch accept for John who was reading before I came in.

John: Where have you been?

(y/n): Helping out a friend and what have you guys been doing while I was gone?

John: well we cleared a small dungeon and then we decided to have a party. Then Price, Rebecca, and Rei decided to have a drinking contest.

(y/n): Who won?

John: Me.

(y/n): *chuckles* Why am I not surprised.

John: *chuckles* Yeah.

(y/n): So who dropped out first?

John: Surprisingly the 3 dropped at the same time.

(y/n): Damn, I can't believe I missed that but oh well.

Amy: Hey (y/n), your back.

(y/n): Hey Amy how are you doing.

Amy: I am good just worried about you leaving so for awhile I just watched were you were.

(y/n): Well I am here now so you don't need to worry about me anymore.

Amy then hugged me back and John just watched with a look that was saying something but I could not tell what it was. Anyway after that the 3 of us decided to call it a night and go to bed.

Well that is another chapter down and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and the story. If you have any suggestions or ideas or if I made any mistakes then please comment and let me know. I hope you have a good day or night or when ever you are reading this.


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