There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)

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(y/n) POV 

June 27th, 2026

I and the others were in GGO and were going after another team. I had my eyes on the 2 heads as Sinon was running through the forest. I was listening to everything with an earpiece while watching the other team's leader.  Sinon broke out of the forest and tried to shoot one of the guys chasing her but he dodged out of the way. They tried to shoot her but they fell into our trap, we planned an ambush. An armored Jeep came out and blocked the 2 bullets shot at Sinon.  

(y/n): (quietly) Perfect, walked right into our trap. 

The other 2 tried to shoot the Jeep but the bullets didn't do anything to it. Both jumped out of the way and the Jeep did a 180 and came back at them with Klein leaning out of the window and shooting at them.

Klein: *from earpiece*This kind of Kashima is full auto. 

One of the guys was dodging out of the way of Klein's bullets and didn't get hit by the Jeep. 

Liz: *from earpiece* What's up you PK jerks. *aims shotgun* Let's see how fast you run. 

Liz shot at one and he ran into the forest. Another one ran behind a rock and tried to stop the others but Silica was on the turret in the back of the Jeep and started firing at him. 

Silica: *from earpiece* *laughing* 

One of them threw a smoke grenade and the smoke blocked everyone's view. 

Klein: *earpiece* Cowards. 

Sinon: *earpiece* Your up, I'll cover. 

The Jeep drives into the smoke as Kirito and Asuna get out. Both of them follow the 2 guys into the woods. 

(y/n):(quietly) Watch each other's backs. 

Kirito and Asuna: On it. 

I was behind the 2 ring leaders of this as they were watching Kirito and Asuna from a drone, while cloaked. Gabriel and PoH were the masterminds. 

PoH: Are those Photon Swords? 

PoH: Are those Photon Swords? 

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Gabriel: Team A needs backup. B and C, go to grid 4-6. You have permission to use grenades. 


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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