The Assassin's and Their Skills

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This is a treat for getting this to 2,000 views and it's just been a little over a month since it hit 1,000. Thank you all of you for reading and leaving comments that have made my happy and even laugh. So I thought I'd show how The Assassin's Creed characters have influenced (y/n) physically and mentally. I came up with this idea while I was doing school. The song is my favorite remix of Ezio's Family, the one from AC Rouge. Oh and happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Bayek- Horror Factor. This man can be terrifying and is probably the scariest out of all of them with Connor giving a close second.

Altaïr- His ruthlessness when needed. Altaïr would execute his witnesses and while (y/n) wouldn't go to that existent he'd would still be ruthless against Laughing Coffin.

Ezio- His ability with the ladies, JK, It's be his cunning. Ezio is very clever and would be able to mess with his opponent to get him to make a mistake.

Edward- His take no prisoners attitude. Edward has a take no prisoners attitude and not many people will stop him by getting in his way.

Haytham- His intuition. Haytham is able to read his opponents well with his ability to understand people well.

Conner- His brute strength, speed and durability. Conner is one of the strongest Assassin's but he can surprisingly move fast as hell and can take a beating with being shot by a flintlock pistol and surviving a cannon ball landing near him twice and fighting his father Haytham.

Shay- His want to help others and sometimes his luck. Shay is always wanting to help the normal people however he can which is why he joined the Templars, to help people and to stop accidents like what happened in Lisbon.

Arno- His agility and nimbleness. Arno is one of the most agile and nimble Assassin's and can move through all Paris with ease.

Jacob- His bare knuckles boxer style. Jacob has a very brutal and effective boxing style and can clear out multiple enemies with ease.

Evie- Her intelligence, not IQ. Evie is very book smart but is also a master at understanding entry points into any location.

Shared Ones

Altaïr and Ezio: Their wisdom. Both of them are very knowledgeable with people and give very great nuggets of wisdom or knowing what to say to someone.

Edward and The Frye Twins- Their humor, wit, and sass. All 3 of them can be very quick witted and humores with Evie having the most sass and all 3 will take bullshit from no one.

Ezio and Evie: Their planning ability. Both of them are master strategists and planners with both of them not charging in and being able to adapt to any situation.

Connor and Shay: Their tracking and not giving up on their target. Both of them are masterful trackers and won't give up on any target with Shay being a very good Assassin Hunter and Connor never giving up in his presute against his father and his allies.

All of Them- All of their skills and combat ability. (y/n) uses a combination of all of their fighting styles and can switch it up on the fly from Connor's aggressiveness to Haytham's controlled fighting style and everyone else's and all of their stealth abilities as well and the use of many stealth tools.

Well that's if for this little idea on how (y/n) uses The Assassin's and The 2 Templars skills. I hope you've enjoyed this entire story so far. Any suggestions leave a comment for a special chapter and I'll shout out the person who suggested it. I hope you have had a great day so far. Goodbye for now.


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