The Final Push

370 11 45

School has started for me again, my final year of high school, so if a delay or if something were to happen then I hope you understand.

TW: Mention of stopped Attempted Sexual Assault

(y/n) POV

May 18th 380HE

(y/n): Finally. It's a fucking elevator. 

A platform comes down and the boys are ready for an attack while I just stand there casually. The platform stops in front of us and there's a woman standing in the middle. The doors open for us and Kirito and Eugeo are still on guard. 

Elevating Operator: *bows* Thank you for waiting. Which floor would you like to visit? 

(y/n): Can you go to the 100th floor? 

Elevating Operator: No I cannot. 

Kirito: We're fugitives and we sort of broke into the cathedral, isn't your elevator off-limits to folks like us? 

Elevating Operator: I'm not sure what you mean. Anyone who wishes to use this platform may do so, my job is to merely operate it, nothing more. 

(y/n): Alright. Take us to the highest floor you can. If it means I don't have to walk upstairs for a little bit then I'll take it. 

Eugeo and Kirito: Ok. 

Kirito: If you're acting this calmly about it, then nothing happens on here. 

All 3 of us walk onto the platform. 

Elevating Operator: Right away sir. *walks over to the center* System call, generate ariel element. 

The doors close behind us and I walk over and lean against the rail. 

Elevating Operator: Burst element.

The platform starts to rise up and we start going up. 

Kirito: So, have you been doing this for a while? 

Elevating Operator: As a matter of fact I have. For 107 years. 

Eugeo: 107 years, and this is all you do day in and day out? 

Elevating Operator: Not quite. I get breaks, I'm allowed to take one at noon, to have my lunch, and then at night, I get one to sleep so there's that. 

Eugeo: That's not quite what I mean. 

(y/n) thoughts: Sounds more like slavery to me. 

Kirito: Um, what's your name? 

Elevating Operator: My name. I seem to have forgotten it, that makes sense. Operator is all anyone calls me anymore. 

Eugeo: I think we can help. We came here to bring down the head of the church, the one who forced this calling onto you. 

Elevating Operator: You don't say. 

Eugeo: If the church is gone, you will be released from your calling, you'll be free to do whatever you want. 

Elevating Operator: Is that so? I'm at a loss, I don't know anything about the world outside this shaft, therefore I have no idea what new calling I would choose. *pause* Although if I could wish for anything else to do, I wish I could fly this platform outside and go where ever I wanted. 

(y/n): Well I'm going to take a standing nap so wake me us when we reach the top. 

Kirito: You got it. 

I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. 

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) somehow able to sleep while standing and leaning against a wall 

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