A Duelist's Opponent

840 20 31

(y/n) POV

January 21st 2025

We flew for a while and killed some flying monsters all the while. I was getting bored because of how easy they were. The last one almost gets away but Leafa shoots a spell that hits it and kills it.

Leafa: Well that was cool.

Kirito: Yeah thanks for the back up. *both high five*

Leafa: Our wings aren't going to last much longer, lets land down there.

Kirito: Ok.

All 3 of us head down to an open patch of forest to rest for a little bit.

Leafa: *stretches* Hey are you 2 not tired yet?

Kirito: No.

(y/n): Nope, I can keep going.

Leafa: Alright you 2, I hate to break it to you but flying is out for both of us for a while.

Kirito: How come?

Leafa: You see that mountain way over there, it's over the altitude limit so we can't fly over so we have to go through the caves. It's the toughest part of the trip. Though I have never been here before.

(y/n): So where walking then.

Kirito: So these cave's, they long?

Leafa: Pretty long. There's a neutral mining town about halfway. Well we should probably stop for a minute. We can still keep going right?

(y/n): Yeah.

Leafa: Me to but we should rotate out.

Kirito: Wait, rotate?

Leafa: Yeah, we take turns logging out and the other watches.

Kirito: Ok, well you 2 log out then and I'll watch.

Me and Leafa log out and when I wake up and take the headset off and leave Kazuto's room to see Suguha leave as well and most people would call it a coincidence but since I know that Suguha is Leafa I call it perfect timing.

(y/n): Hey.

Suguha: Oh hey (y/n). What are you doing and where's Kazuto?

(y/n): Just getting something to eat and Kazuto is asleep, You?

Suguha: Same here. Well let's go.

We both head down stairs and decide to just get a few things to eat and Suguha makes a sandwich for Kazuto and she takes a shower while I continue to eat and then after that we both head back. I log in to the game and I see Kirito and Leafa again.

(y/n): Hey guys.

Kirito: Hey.

Leafa: What are you eating?

Kirito: I found them at a shop in Silvain. The person said they can only be found there.

Leafa: I've never see them before. *catches one*

(y/n): *smerks because he knows what happens*

Leafa: *starts to eat it but then screams because it is spicy*

Kirito: Sorry to leave you like this but it is my turn, watch me won't you.

(y/n): Yeah. *watches Kirito leaves and chuckles*

Leafa: *coughing* Hey. Did you know?

(y/n): Kirito tried that on me but I knew better.

Yui: *pops out*

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