History Is Written By The Victor

204 3 17

(y/n) POV

November 7th 380HE

I was on the battlefield with fighting surrounding me as I fought through every enemy before me. I didn't see any of my allies as I fought.

Reaper: Well, well, well Assassin.

I turned around to see both XaXa and Reaper behind me, and in front of them were Leafa, Sinon, Yuuki, and Alice kneeling in front of them while facing me. Reaper had an HK Mk 23 SOCOM in his hand. My face contorted to a look of rage as I was about ready to kill someone.

Reaper: I already told you Assassin, I was going to kill you're little girlfriends to break you. Oh and one more thing, if they die here, they will die in the real world.

He slowly raised the pistol to the back of Leafa's head and she let out a slight sound of fear as the metal touched the back of her head. I charged towards them as time slowed. I watched in slow motion as the hammer of that HK slowly went down.


I watched as the bullet ripped through her head and blood splattered everywhere. Then that bastard shot Sinon, Yuuki, and Alice in that same order and I could do nothing. I watched as the 3 of them fell.

(y/n): *eyes watering* No.

I collapsed as the weight of what just happened hit me.

(y/n): No.

Both of them walked over to me as Reaper then put the pistol to the back of my head. I was done, I had no fight left in me.

Reaper: Any last words Assassin?

(y/n): (broken) Just kill me.

I heard the gunshot and then felt nothing.

(y/n): AHHH!

I jolt out of the bed I was sleeping in while breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

(y/n): It was just a dream. It was just a dream.

But it felt real, too real. I looked and it was still dark out as I let out a sigh. I know I'm not going to go back to sleep after that. I slowly got up, changed my clothes, and changed into armor. I equipped myself and walked outside. I checked the area to make sure no one was trying to sneak in. I walked around, trying to forget the nightmare I just witnessed. I walked over to the tower that was there and climbed up.

Deusolbert: Sir, what are you doing here?

(y/n): I came to take over the watch.

Deusolbert: Are you ok?

(y/n): I'm fine. Take a break.

Deusolbert: Ok sir.

Deusolbert left as I watched and tried not to think about my dream.

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) worrying about everything

No One POV

Alice was walking through the camp when Bercouli stopped her and the 2 of them were chatting with each other and even (y/n) joined the 2. (y/n) had small bags under his eyes, not really noticeable to others.

Fanatio: Commander, General.

Fanatio walked over to the 3 of them.

Fanatio: It is time for the council.

Fanatio stopped in front of the 3 of them.

Alice: Lady Fanatio.

Alice then bows to her in respect. Fanatio removed her helmet and Alice looked at her in surprise.

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