Thank You

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I just want to say thank you to all of you who have read this story and for over 100 views. I started this just to do something fun and to just write down a story that I had in my head and combining 2 of my favorite universe's with Sword Art Online and Assassin's Creed. I initially thought this was probably just going to be a failure and would just go no where but I just decided to write and I guess I just got lucky and found people who enjoy it. I just want to give a shout out to my mom who said I should do this and I regret nothing because it has been fun to do this. So thank you for reading this story and allowing me to take up your time to entertain you. I hope you all have had a wonderful day or when ever you are reading this, just know that I greatly appreciate the support from all of you. If you have any suggestions or questions or want me to fix anything then please leave a comment. This is me signing off for now. Goodbye.


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