Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum

183 4 5

No One POV

November 6th 380HE

Vixur and Lipia were sitting in a room talking very early into the morning. 

Vixur: The life of the eastern gate, which divided The Empire and The Land of Darkness since creation, will expire soon. 

Lipia: The 5 tribes are excited by the prospect of war and the bounty of resources The Human Empire contains. 

Vixur: And yet each Integrity Knight is worth 1000 of our warriors in battle. The edge we have in our numbers shall be whittled down in no time. Beating them may be possible but by the time we do, we will have suffered severe losses. 

Lipia: If that's true, it will lead to an imbalance of power among the tribes. 

Vixur: The counsel of 10 will be powerless and the treaty among the 5 tribes will be rescinded. If that happens, it will become another age of blood and iron, that cannot come to pass. Our only hope is to make peace with The Human Empire. 

???: *chuckles* That's something you and I can agree on. 

The figure walks out of the shadows and reviles themselves to be (y/n). Both Lipia and Vixur looked at him with surprise. 

(y/n) POV

Lipia: It's you. 

(y/n): Yeah. It's been a while. May I? 

I gestured toward the empty chair and both of them nodded. I sat down in the chair and looked at both of them. 

(y/n): Good to see that you headed my advice Lipia. 

Lipia: I did. 

Vixur: (y/n), right? 

(y/n): Yes. 

Vixur: We last met 4 months ago. 

(y/n): During the gala. 

Vixur: Then why were you there in the first place? 

(y/n): It's a long explanation but I'll break it down to this, I was there to kill Vecta because I have a very personal grudge against him and his accomplice. That's all I can say without explaining everything. 

Vixur: I see. So why are you here now? 

(y/n): I want to make you an offer. Let's just say that I have a lot of sway over The Integrity Knights, Bercouli included. If you don't want this war to happen, then I need you to trust me and come with me. 

Vixur looked down and started thinking for a moment. He then looked up at me.

Vixur: I'm in. 

(y/n): Excellent. Now, I need you to follow me. 

I got up and Vixur got up as well. I about walked out of the door when I stopped just in front of the door. 

(y/n): Actually, Lipia, you're coming with us. 

Lipia: Huh? Why? 

(y/n): To make sure you don't die. 

She got up and the 2 followed me, after a couple of minutes, we walked outside. I whistled loudly and after a minute, Amayori landed in front of us. I hopped up and offered the 2 a hand. I pulled them up and we took off. We were flying for a few minutes until Vixur asked me something. 

Vixur: So, where are we going? 

(y/n): We're going to The Central Cathedral. 

Lipia: Wait, what?! 

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