The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)

885 19 23

(y/n) POV

December 7th 2025

Me and Kazuto got a message from Kiuoka asking for us to meet him. We are riding in an elevator when Kazuto got a message from Asuna.

(y/n): (teasing) Does little Kazuto have a date? *lightly elbows him*

Kazuto: Hey, cut it out. *blushing a little*

(y/n): Alright fine. Well looks like were here.

We both walk out and someone greets us. We both walk out to a dining room when we hear someone call for us.

Kikuoka: Hey Kirito, (y/n). Over hear.

Kazuto: *looks around in embarrassment and then walks over*

(y/n): *walks over wanting to just get to the table and not be looked at*

Kikuoka: Go ahead, order whatever you want, it's on me.

Kazuto: Thank you sir, it's real kind of you.

(y/n): Thanks.

Kikuoka: Come on, you don't have to be so formal, relax and talk to me how you would in ALO.

Kazuto: Ok, if you say so then. *looks at menu* I'd like the- *orders the hard to say menu item*

(y/n): I'll take a medium-rare filet mignon with mashed potatoes and mac-n-cheese and a coke on the rocks.

Kikuoka: Sorry to make you come out here Kirito, (y/n).

(y/n): If your that sorry why did you make us come out here? What do you need us for?

Kazuto: And could you not call me that in public.

Kikuoka: Straight to the point. But what's with the attitude, I was one of the first people to visit both of you.

Yeah, that's true, he was one of the first, just because I don't have a family hear because I am from a different world. We told him what happened but I left out the stuff about the Assassin.

(y/n): What's going on, why are we here?

Kikuoka: Alright, look at this. *hands a tablet to the both of them*

Kirito: Who's he?

Kikuoka: *takes tablet back* This won't be pleasant. So last month on November 14th, the landlord of an apartment complex in Nokano, Tokyo noticed and foul odor while cleaning, it was coming from one of the units, so we disabled the lock and found him dead. Tamotsu Shigemura, he's been dead for 5 days. We found him in bed, his place was a mess but no signs of burglary, he had something interesting on his head though.

Kirito: An Amusphere?

Kikuoka: Yeah, it was ruled an unnatural death so they did an autopsy. The cause of death was ruled acute heart failure.

Kirito: Wait, heart failure, you mean his heart stopped, did they find out why?

Kikuoka: No, they didn't.

Waiter: Hear you are sir's.

Kikuoka: Unfortunately, since so much time has passed and foul play was ruled out as the cause they weren't very thorough. We do know that he was logged in for 2 day straight and hadn't eaten anything the whole time.

(y/n): So they didn't check everything?

Kikouka: No.

Kazuto: Well that's not that unusual, players do that all the time. Wait, why are you telling us about this?

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