"Honey, don't be. I'm perfectly happy. Maybe slightly uncomfortable in my shorts, but otherwise very, very happy."

Alex squeaks quietly, and for a moment, nearly buries her face right back in Sam's cleavage. "Uh- um- maybe right now is a good time to pump the brakes a bit..."

"Okay, Ally. We can lay right here and go back to talking. Or even just relax the rest of the night." Sam starts carding her fingers through that red hair again. "Do you need me to put back on my shirt to be comfortable?"

"Do you want to put it on?"

"I'm happy as is right now. So, it's up to you, babe." Sam watches Alex's eyes flutter close as she scratches that one particular spot that she likes so much. "Come on. Lay your head back down."

Alex doesn't resist Sam's pull and lets her cheek rest against that bare sternum. She shivers slightly at the skin to skin contact. Her hands wrap around Sam's waist.

"So, where were we? You aren't sure if you want to know, but you feel like you need to know what happened with your sister?" Sam asks quietly.

Alex lets out a heavy sigh. "I guess it doesn't matter what I want or need. It matters what Kara wants to share. I- I can't ask her. That wouldn't be fair to try to force her hand if she doesn't want me to know."

Sam hums in thought. "That has some truth, but I would argue that it does still matter if you feel the need to know. Maybe it is more about giving her an opportunity to share. You can tell her what you think you need, but respect her boundaries at the same time."

Alex hums in thought. She relaxes under Sam's ministrations. She finds some comfort in what her girlfriend is advising. It takes some pressure off of figuring it all out on her own.

"How do you feel about that?" Sam prods.

"I feel like that is a smart plan - a wise plan that protects my sister and I at the same time. I think I will still feel nervous when it comes to that time, but right now, I feel better about how to move forward with her on this."

"Good." Sam leans down and kisses the top of her head. "Now, I know we talked about Lena and your sister already, but I feel like you got to see more of their unfiltered interactions today."

Alex scrunches her face and groans. "They are so mushy it's disgusting..."

Sam tries to suppress her chuckles. "I- I meant more about how Kara comforted Lena and vice versa."

"I- I don't know how I feel about it yet. Obviously, I'm glad they have each other and have that trust, but still... I don't know how I feel about it."

"Sounds like it's a bit conflicting? Happy but maybe... concerned? Or worried?"

"I- I guess. That's definitely a part of it, but I don't think it's all of it."

"Do you want to try to filter it out? Or-"

"I don't think so. At least not right now. Is that okay?" Alex asks a bit self-consciously.

"Of course, baby. Of course it's okay."

Alex props her head up again to look Sam in the eyes. "I- is it okay if we table this for the night?"

"Absolutely, Ally. What would you like to do instead?"

"I'm sorry. I'm going to be completely lame and suggest we go to bed? We can put something on the TV, but I'm exhausted from the day."

Sam captures Alex's lips softly on her own. "Not lame at all. Just asking for what you need. Let's go to bed, babe. But can I borrow some sleep wear?"

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