"My guy, that is a robot." Kai's voice suddenly echoed right outside of the office; a couple of seconds later, he entered the room.
"Wait, how do you know..?" The commander perplexedly asked, but was utterly ignored.
"That's not the point here, that is a software dawg." Kai approached Gascogne and inspected her; throughout the whole procedure, she remained completely indifferent.
"Where the hell is the keyboard..?" He began looking for a hypothetical keyboard on Gascogne's body.
"Wait, she's not a desktop computer! She's some sort of artificial intelligence-" the commander clarified, but was interrupted.
"Does she run on GPT-4?" Kai asked, and at that point Daniel couldn't tell if he was serious or not.
"Obviously she doesn't, I don't even know what software she's running on!"
"What's the OS? I mean, it would most likely run on some unknown Linux branch..."
"I don't have a damn clue, but she looks and acts like a normal human, so I don't see the problem!-"
"Does she have a Bluetooth module? Speakers anywhere? Can I use her as a wireless speaker?"
"I... I don't think so..."
"That sucks, but can she also act as a virtual assistant? Like, can she turn off the lights remotely if I ask her? Y'know, the smart home features."
"It's not just an ordinary computer, damn it! She was conceived to be a weapon!"
"Alright, alright, I get it. But now, let's get to the main point... You said she's pretty, didn't you?" Kai got closer to Daniel as he spoke.
"Uh... I personally think she is, yeah.." the commander replied; he was caught off guard by Kai's sudden topic change.
"So you're down bad for her?"
"... Uuuh... No..." Daniel tried to avoid Kai's piercing gaze.
"Hmm... I smell a big lie... Look into my eyes and say that again."
Daniel fixed his eyes on Kai's, but he found it difficult to repeat what he had said.
"My brother, if you're looking for Heaven's gates, you won't find them on Gascogne. There's probably some USB Type-C port between her legs instead." Kai placed his hands on Daniel's shoulders.
"Who told you I'm looking for Heaven's gates? I just said she looks cute. But let's actually talk about important matters: why the hell are you awake?" The commander changed topics.
"Well, don't get me wrong, the floor was comfortable, but I just couldn't sleep, man. I dunno, I'm just not tired." Kai shrugged and sat down on the desk; "We should be setting off pretty soon, right?"
"It should be 5:50 AM or something, we're departing at 6 AM or a bit later. It depends on when everyone will be ready." Daniel answered while checking the lock screen of his phone.
"Shouldn't they wake up now?" Béarn asked. The commander started issuing orders: "Yeah, we'd better begin preparing to set off. Béarn, go wake Nero and Roon up and tell him to gather the USN ships involved in the operation."
While he was speaking, Gascogne politely interrupted him by raising her hand.
"What is it?" He asked her after noticing her.
"While I was here before you arrived, I thought it would prove useful to print a list of all the participants. I made multiple copies of it as well, knowing that you would most likely send various secretaries to awaken the members of the operation. I hope they will be helpful, Commander." She explained before pointing at a short pile of sheets located on the desk, consisting of seven copies of the list.
"... I just can't possibly hate you at this point... Thank you as always, Gascogne." He picked up the sheets and gave two of them to Béarn: "Keep one for yourself, and hand the other to Nero."
"Understood." Béarn took leave. Afterwards, the commander handed a copy to Gascogne: "I know you've already helped me out, but could you wake up the rest of the girls? There aren't any other secretaries awake, so you're the only one I can ask... Actually, wake the secretaries first, and then hand each of them a copy. That should make your job easier."
Gascogne took the copies without question: "As you say." she said before leaving the office.
"Alright, I'll go in my room. Well, it's not exactly my own, but you get what I mean." Kai announced before waving goodbye and leaving too. Now the commander was alone, and he decided to wait for the fleet on the shore.

Several minutes passed, and the secretaries arrived at the shore along with the fleet at 6:33 AM. The fleet was quite numerous, having 50 ships at the moment. Once everyone was immobile and attentive, the commander began speaking: "Good morning, everyone. As you know, you will be part of a major operation in Northern Russia, with the objective of stopping the Sirens' advance in the Arctic Ocean towards the russian coasts. I don't know how long it will take, and I know some of you may not be very motivated to fight in another country, especially an ex-member of the Azur Lane: however, Russia needs our support now more than ever, and we cannot let her down. Remember that this operation has been organized for our own sake as well, and for the sake of the human race as a whole. Should the situation become complex, I will call more ships from this HQ to help us. Before explaining the route we will take, I feel that I should notify you that we have a new American battleship among us, USS Kai, who will be coming with us too. We don't have much time for proper introductions now, but if you want to talk with him, you can do so during our sortie. Now then, since we are more or less in the middle of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, our quickest way to enter the Pacific is through the Panama Canal; after reaching the Pacific Ocean, we will sail north and access the Arctic Ocean thanks to the Bering Strait. Does anyone have any questions?"
After some seconds of silence, the commander resumed: "Very well. The japanese group is waiting for us just ahead. You don't need to stay in a rigid formation for now, but please let's all stick together. Nero, stay next to me."
Nero walked next to Daniel. Then, the commander ordered Bismarck, Littorio, King George V, Saint Louis, Gascogne and New Jersey to get in line next to each other behind him.
"Everyone else, stay wherever you wish, as long as you're close to each other. The operation...." The commander summoned his rigging and stepped on the seawater: "... Begins now!"
Everyone else summoned their own and began setting sail one by one.

Roon x Nero (kinda) (no cringy sex ahead)Where stories live. Discover now