Chapter 33: Our child

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I would call the trip a success, besides me and Grey's small fight.

The rest of the week vacation was filled with swimming in the pool or beach, everyone excited about Malik and Leah's new relationship status, eating delicious food, sex, strawberries and sight seeing.

Great success.

We've been back home for a week mostly just relaxing.

Isn't it weird you go on holiday to get a break but are tired when you come home?

I wake up to the sound of vomiting. I open my eyes and look next to me to see Grey fast asleep his arms around my waist.

Who the heck is in our house?

"Grey.. Grey." I poke his face.

"What?" He grumbles.

"I think someone's in the house, can you hear that?"

He snaps his eyes open sitting up gripping me tighter.

"It's Dug." He whispers getting out of bed and leaving the room. I quickly get up following him.

We go downstairs where Dug has just thrown up, SIX TIMES.

Grey slowly makes his way towards him, i stay in the hallway entry scared. Grey scoops him up into his arms, his front paws on his shoulders the other on his waist.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Grey rubs his face softly.

Dug let's out a whimper making tears fill my eyes.

"W-what's wrong with him?" I whisper.

"I'm not sure." Grey bites his bottom lip.

We both just stay in silence.

"I'm taking him to the vet, do you want to stay or come?"

"I-i don't know." I sniffle breathing deeply trying not to sob.

Grey comes towards me, still carrying Dug with one hand.

"He'll be okay." He leans down softly kissing my forehead.

"But what if he's not?" I look up at him through tears.

"He will be, i'll take him to the vet and they will make sure he's okay."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

I nod wiping my tears.

"Do you want to come?"

"Y-yes please."

He stick his hand out to me as we leave the house, still in pajamas. I mean we kind of look normal, Grey is wearing grey trackies and a black shirt he slid on and i'm wearing one of his shirts that goes to my mid-thighs.

Grey places Dug in the back seat of his car and then opens the door for me before going to his side.

Dug whines from the backseat as we drive. Grey rubs my thigh up and down.

"He'll be okay, angel."

"I'm scared." I sniffle.

"I know, the vet will look after him."

"He's like our child."

"He is our child."

I take deep breaths trying to collect myself.

"Good girl, keep breathing."

We finally pull up to the vet and Grey carries Dug inside.

"Dug is sick." He says. The lady at the counter looks up.

"Go to your room."


We walk down a hallway until we get to an empty room.

"You have a private room here?"

"Not really. I donated a bunch of money to them and now they named this room after me."

"That's so cool." I giggle as we sit in the chairs.

A vet comes in and puts Dug on the bed.

"What's wrong with him?" She looks at Grey.

"He threw up this morning a couple times and he won't stop whining."

The vet nods looking back to Dug. Grey lifts me up and places me in his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you." He whispers into my neck.

"I love you too."

"I think he just has a tummy bug. Viral gastro."

"W-will he be okay?" I whisper.

"Yep, just feed him plain food and i'll give you anti-nausea medication to give him and some pain relief and he should be all better."

"Thank goodness."

Grey picks up Dug and we take him home doing all of the things the vet told us too and he soon recovers.

I don't know what i would do if something bad happened to him.


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