Chapter 21: No more Grey

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"I don't want you seeing any more of that boy." Pop says from across the dining table as we eat dinner.

My body freezes.

"G-grey? B-but i want, need, to see him. He makes me feel lov-"

"I don't care how he makes you feel. I only let you see him because your grandmother said it was good for you. But now she's gone, you can't see him anymore."


"No buts. No messaging or calling, no sleepovers, no kissing, no talking, no visiting. You are not to see that boy."


I fight back tears as we sit through dinner in silence.


It's 11pm and i'm climbing out my third floor window to go see Grey. One last time.

I know Grandpa is asleep because he's always an early sleeper.

I stealthily climb down the tree and jump to the ground trying not to make any noise.

I get into my bike, still in my pajamas and i ride over to Grey's house and let myself in with the key he gave me.

I walk quietly upstairs and into his room where he's shirtless, fast asleep.

Tears run down my cheeks looking at him. I don't want to stop seeing him.

I lift the covers crawling into the bed next to him. He shuffles around and rolls over to me instantly wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me to him.

"What's wrong?" His voice rasps as he peaks open one eye.

"I-i can't see you anymore."

His eyes fully open as his jaw clenches.

"What do you mean?"

"P-pop said i can't."


"I don't know." I sob.

I don't want to leave.

He makes me feel loved and special and like i actually have a place in this world. Like i'm not just a miss-fit loud girl that no one likes.

"We'll figure it out, angel." He wipes my tears holding me tighter.

"I don't want to stop seeing you." I look at him through my blurry eyes.

"Me either, sweetheart." He softly kisses my forehead.

"What can we do?"

"Anything. Your not a child, Lola. He can tell you what to do but you don't have to do it because your an adult and can make your own decisions."

"But i live with him."

"Live with me."


"Move in with me. Stay with me. Live with me."

"You want me to move in?"

"Of course i fucking do."

"B-but don't you find me like too much to handle and complicated, i talk a lot too and i'm not very bright an-"

"Baby, listen, i don't think your too much to handle or complicated or annoying. Your not going to burden me. You never have."

"You promise?"

"I promise, my darling."

"S-so i can live with you?"

A smile spreads his lips.


"Okay. I'll just need to find a way to tell Pop but it will be fun."

"Damn right." He kisses me softly.

I snuggle my head into his chest slowly closing my eyes falling asleep, feeling better.


Me and Grey have spent the entire day moving my stuff to his house while Pop is out with his friends. Me and Grey sit in my old room waiting for him to come home.

I'm scared.

But Grey is here so he'll protect me. I know he will.

I hear the door open downstairs and footsteps up the stairs.

"What the fuck is going on? Why is your room empty?" Pop growls as me and Grey stand up.

"I'm moving in with Grey."


"I-i'm going to live with Grey."

"Go then. Go be his little whore."

Grey steps forewords but i slap my hand over his chest pushing him back.

I don't want him to fight.

"I'd rather be his 'whore' than live under this roof anymore."

Grey lets out a small laugh from beside me.

"Bye Pop." I whisper grabbing Grey's hand and dragging us around him downstairs to Grey's car.

I take a deep breath as Grey climbs into his side starting the car.

"You okay?" He slowly wraps his hand on my thigh looking at me.

"Yeah." I smile.

Now i get to live with Grey!

"You know your not my whore right? Your my girl."

"I know."

He softly kisses me before we drive back to his house.

Our house.

i want to live with grey :(

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i want to live with grey :(

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