Chapter 11: Chest

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Grey is in his home-gym working out. I decide i should join him.

Prove i'm stronger oh yeah.

I roll out of bed and pull on my outfit.

I roll out of bed and pull on my outfit

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my fit ^^

I stroll downstairs and walk to the gym seeing Grey doing pull ups. The room is large with big sliding doors to the outside which Grey has open. The natural light flooding the room.

I watch as Grey's back muscles move as he pulls up and down.

Our eyes lock in the mirror infront of him and he slowly drops down off the bar turning to me.

He's only wearing grey sweatpants and his gold chain.

Holy mumma..

"Uh mm i-is it okay i-if i w-workout too?"

God he makes me nervous.

He stays completely still his eyes trailing up and down my figure. I immediately suck in my belly at his stare.

"No, don't do that, Lola." He steps towards me as my cheeks turn pinker.
"You don't have to do that with me." He slowly puts his hands on my waist.

Wowah boy.

He leans down softly kissing my forehead. He lips linger there.

"Okay?" He whispers.

I nod with a small smile. His bare chest an inch away from mine.

He makes me weak.

His thumbs rub back and forth on my hips as we stare into eachothers eyes.

"I-i should y-you know." I point to the gym equipment.

"Yeah." He slowly drops his hands off my waist, traveling them down along my thighs brushing past my knee.

I walk away from him calming my beating heart as i walk to the bench press. I load up my weights and lay down on the bench.

I look from the corner of my eye as Grey picks up two dumbbells and lifts them, his muscles flex as the veins along his arms flex.

His gaze drops to me and i break my stare putting my hands on the bar. I slowly begin lifting trying to keep my form up.


I'm now at the pull-up bar as Grey leans against a wall on his phone. His phone rings and he quickly picks up.

"Yeah, we're in the gym." He says glancing at me before hanging up.

He walks towards me and wraps his arms the entire way around my waist lifting me off the bar.

My legs dangle as he carries me. My body pressed against his tattooed chest.

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