Chapter 4: Cry

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I look in the mirror with a smile at my outfit as i tuck my hair behind my ears.

my fit^^

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my fit^^

"Lola! Breakfast time." My grandma calls from downstairs.

I quickly rush down where a bowl of yogurt and strawberries are together.

"Thanks gram." I give her a tight hug.

"Me and Grandpa are going for our morning walk and then bingo. We'll be back for dinner." She kisses my cheek.

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you too."

I quickly finish my breakfast and put my bowl in the sink before hopping on my bike and riding the short 5 minutes to see my parents.

I climb off my bike and kick the stand out resting it. I open the gate to the graveyard as tears fill my eyes.

I'm not even there yet.

I walk down the long paved path to the back of the big fielded area.

I take a left before i get down onto my knees and sit on my bum picking at the grass on the ground.

I read the signs on the grave.

'Dahlia Einstein'

'Adam Einstein'

"Hi mum, dad." I whisper letting a tear roll down my cheek.

"I miss you. I think about you all the time. The things we would be doing together."


"Lola, you need to get out of here." My mum yells as her and dad are opposite me. Fire seperating us.

"I can't leave you." I cry.

"You've got your whole life to live. The house is burning down. We won't make it in time." My dad says.

"I can't do it." I sob.

"Viola, baby. We love you so much." My mum's voice rings through my ear. A crash bangs next to me as the roof begins to cave in.

"It's all we want Viola. Get out of here."

I muster up all the strength i have and leave my burning house. My parents and dog still inside.

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