Chapter 132

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It was silent and just as Lucas wanted to open his mouth for the first time, the door opened and the help walked in and everyone looked at me again, and the help looked at me too. "Hi, can you call up the hospital here in Prangie and ask for some extra doctors for our medical ward. There might be new patients there at the end of the night. Also can you make sure that nobody will walk in after this. The fridge is full at the moment and we've got enough drinks. Thank you. " I said and he bowed his head to me as he walked out and closed the door and everyone kept staring at me after that, but I leaned back and comforted myself in my blanket as I continued to eat the rest of my ice cream.

I looked at Matt and Matt was staring at me with a lot of worry. I looked away from him and towards Eric whom was looking at Eddie. "Ed, just tell us what you did. The truth is going to come out, if you tell us now, we'll understand that you held it for yourself a bit. Matt did the same thing when he hurt her. Just tell us." Lucas said and Eddie then balled his fists.

"I have no idea what she's going on about. I swear." Eddie said turning his head sideways to Eric and Eric looked at Eddie for a couple of seconds, staring into his eyes for a couple of seconds and he nodded. Eddie looked away and Eric's face then changed and he looked at Matt and Matt was staring at Eddie now. Both of them noticed the tone that Eddie used, this wasn't the tone that he used when he was with me, not about me, but what he used to use before; with Kim. I looked at Oliver and he seemed to notice it too and he turned his head sideways looking at Eddie.

"Son, what is going on?" Daniel said. "We just walked in here, and it's- what is going on?"

"I don't know ok dad?" Eddie said towards Daniel. "Oliver started this with claiming that something is wrong with her, then suddenly they think I did something wrong."

"Well, from what we just heard from her, the way she talked and the words she used, something did happen, she did hear something that you did that she didn't like and that hurt her." Daniel said. "So you have to understand that we're confused?"

"Or she's thinking of things that aren't there. She thought that we were trying to hurt Mike when we tried to sedate her during the birth, maybe she just heard something and she's making things up?" Eddie said. "Why don't you guys trust me when I say that I have no idea what she is going on and on about?" Eddie said and he was angry now, he was cornered and he was angry. Matt started to play with his ring now, something he did whenever he was trying to control himself. Eric leaned back and put his hands through his hair and he realised that something was wrong. His sisters and Lucas all closed their eyes for a second before looking at Eddie. Oliver took a sip of his drink before he went and sat down next to Matt now.

"Because if that's the case, if she wasn't sure, she would've asked one of us if what she might've heard could be something that happened. She would've asked you." Daniel said calmly to his son and I stared at Eddie now and he was looking at Eddie. "She only gets in that mindset, of trauma, whenever something upsets her, or if she feels cornered, or if she's got too much emotions in her body."

"So, she was in labour, she must've."

"Stop it." Matt said, cutting him off and Eddie looked away from Daniel now and looked at Matt. "Stop the bullshit."

"Can I have your phone?" I signed to Christian whom looked at my hands and he handed me his phone while looking at Matt and Eddie now. I looked through his contacts before I found whom I thought it was.

"Is this the head of security of Gotar Castle?" I asked out loud showing it to Christian and Eddie turned his head towards me, snapping it now. Christian nodded at that. "Great." I said and I rung it and put it on speakerphone and everyone stared at me now and Eddie's leg started to shake.

"Richard lemmings speaking."

"Good evening, Richard, you're speaking with Katherine, Queen Katherine." I said dryly.

"O, my queen, good evening. I apologise for not recognising the number."

"It's ok. The number is actually King Christian's phone. My phone isn't near me. How is your daughter?" I asked casually and everyone frowned looking at me.

"O she's marvellous. She is loving the school here. How are you?"

"I'm great. I have a favour." I said casually.

"Of course, anything my queen." He replied and I looked at Eddie and he stared back at me, and he was nervous. I stared at him for a second, how would he get Kim in without causing too much alarm? He stared at me, as if he thought I would never get it and I looked at him for a very long time. "My queen?"

"Yes, one second." I said carefully looking into Eddie's eyes, and he was looking back at me. I kept staring at him and he was getting uncomfortable; something he never did before, before his accident and he blinked and looked away and Eric noticed that too and he looked at me. Suddenly something hit me.

"Can you give me a list of the employees that are currently in the castle?" I said casually and Eddie snapped his head towards the side now looking at me with a glare and I then showed him a huge smile.

"Of course, My queen." He said and he then named all the people that were in the castle and her name wasn't in there and Eddie kept looking at me.

"Thank you. Can you tell me who was on duty last night?" I said and I heard him pressing some things and he said some names before he said the name I was waiting for.

"And Kim Cheddar." He said and Oliver closed his eyes and Olivia put her hand in front of her mouth now, everyone was in shock and I stared right into Eddie's eyes. I didn't even dare look at Matt and Eric. The man continued the list and everyone was staring at Eddie in shock now.

"Thank you, can you tell me what kind of role Kim Cheddar has in the castle? And how long she's worked there? I don't remember, pregnancy brain?" I added as a joke and Richard chuckled.

"Of course, give me a minute and I'll get her file." He said and I nodded as everyone was staring at Eddie now, and Eddie was staring at me and I could see his anger transforming in his body. "She's a maid, mainly works nights. She doesn't have an hourly contract, but she works whenever she can apparently?" He said and I nodded slowly at that.

"When is she scheduled next?" I asked.

"This morning actually, upcoming morning."

"Great, can you apprehend her then?" I said casually. "Call up Peter and wait for her, then tell Peter to lock her up in Gotar Prison and allow only me to visit her?"

"Of course my queen." He said a bit nervously. "Of course, call Peter and ask him to apprehend her and lock her up in Gotar Prison and allow only the Queen to visit her."

"Yes. Thank you. Can you send me a picture that is on her file, for me to just make sure. Send it to this number please?"

"Of course, I am sending it now." He said and I nodded as I then got a message in and it was indeed Kim.

"Thank you, you're amazing. I bless you and your family." I said and he was silent for a second.

"Thank you, my queen. What an honour."

"Thank you Richard. Have a nice evening." I said and I hung up my phone and I handed it to Christian and I looked directly into Eddie's eyes, saying the words that would change our entire fucking life. 

"You forgot to mention to your siblings and parents that in between you undressing, showering and getting dressed you were calling your apparent girlfriend."

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