Chapter 84

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I woke up the next morning in Eric's arms and he had just woken up too. I put my head back as I looked into his eyes and he stared back into mine. I put a strand of his hair away from his face as I looked into his eyes.

"I don't think physically I can ever go that far again, I'm not sure." I said carefully, as I felt his intense hard dick. He nodded looking at me as he put my long hair behind my shoulder and kept his hand on my shoulder.

"That's fine." He whispered back and I nodded looking at him as I buried my head in his chest. "As long as you're by my side, I don't give a fuck."

"Good." I whispered and he let out a deep breath. "Where are Matt and Eddie?"

"Eddie is currently torturing Amar's brothers, and after that he's going to remove the knives" Eric said and I nodded as it was so comfortable in his arms.


"He had some work shit to deal with and is going to sleep soon I think. I'm leaving soon too." He whispered and I said no right away and he chuckled. "I'll be back."

"I know, but you're just so fucking comfortable Eric."

"Well, I would be offended." I heard Matt's voice state and I chuckled at that a bit as I held onto Eric even tighter. "But I know that Eric is the best in bed cuddler so I'm good."

"It's just he's soooo comfortable." I whined as Eric smiled as he kissed the top of my head. "You're comfortable too. Are you going to replace Eric?"

"That is the plan, if that's ok with you?" Matt asked carefully and I nodded.

"She nodded."

"I saw movement." Matt replied. Eric wanted to let go and I whined and Matt chuckled before he took his place in and I sighed content as I held onto him tightly and Matt had his arm around my waist and he started to trace my back. "I've written reports on what still needs to happen."

"What about Ed?" Eric asked as I put my head up and saw that he was dressing himself.

"He's going to Amar now I think. After that he'll help." Matt whispered.

"ok." Eric stated. "See you around."

"Yeah." Matt confirmed and I let out a deep breath as I snuggled even closer to him. "Hey Me amore."

"Hey." I whispered back.

"Are you back back or?" He asked and I let out a deep breath.

"I think so, I'm not sure. I don't know. Not fully like I was before I think." I whispered. "The physical part of relationships still sort of scares me." I said and he put his head back, forcing me to look him into those darned brown eyes of his. I rested my head on his arm and he looked into my green. "But I do want to spend more time with you guys. Can Naomi and I move into the castle or something? Can she have a place in the castle or is that weird?"

"She can have anything she wants, as long as you are happy." He said and I nodded carefully looking at him. "Askad?" He asked carefully.

"I told her to stay for there as long as she wants." I said carefully and he nodded. "She'll come back though, at least to get her stuff, but I'm afraid I might lose her to Askad sooner than I'm comfortable with."

"That's understandable."

"And Oliver joked saying that for the three holy months she'll stay in Locatlie, cause he can't keep his hands off of her." I whispered and Matt chuckled at that. "Would they be able to get married?"

"Of course." Matt said and I looked at him. "If she has the clearance to live with the Queen of Locatlie, she can basically do anything in this world."

"Fair." I said and he nodded looking at me. "How are you?" I whispered.

"Happy now that you're in my arms and sort of you." He said and I nodded. "But for the physical part, we'll build up to that if you want to, and if you don't then we won't. Whatever makes you comfortable. We can do IVF if we're ever ready to have children and you want to be pregnant, or we can have a surrogate." He said and I chuckled a bit. "Sorry- King head still on."

"It's fine me amore." I whispered. "I get that you're thinking about that right now." I said and he nodded. "I missed you." I said and I put my head against his chest and he smiled against the top of my head and gave it a kiss.

"I've missed you too." He whispered and I let out a deep breath as I suddenly heard something that confused me, and Matt sat up right away. We heard a very loud scream, coming from someone's core. The scream came from pain and I froze as I recognised the voice right away.

Matt stood up, not caring he was in his underwear now and he opened the door; the screaming becoming clearer.

I couldn't move though, I stayed frozen for a second, before I heard Mike's scream fill my ears. I tried to cover my ears, the way I had learned, I tried to tell myself that it wasn't real anymore; that he was gone, that I could never hear him scream again. But hearing his little brother screaming his heart out, their screams got mixed together and my mind broke again.

What had happened to Eric?

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