Chapter 101

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When I woke up some time later, I took a long shower and walked down the stairs towards the breakfast area where my three-two husbands were sitting. They were discussing something, but when they saw me, they were all silent. I ignored that though as I sat down and looked at the help.

"The usual." I said and she nodded as I stretched my arms as I grabbed Eric's tea without asking him and I took a sip and frowned. "I don't like the taste of this." I said and I handed it back and I grabbed Matt's tea and he showed me a small smile as I took a sip. "This is better."

"We have some news." Matt said carefully and I looked sideways at him and I nodded as I took a sip of my tea. "Oliver asked us for Naomi's hand in marriage." He said and I spit the tea out all over Eddie's face; ignoring the fact that I did that and I looked at Matt with my eyes widened in extreme excitement.

"So, when is it happening?"

"He needs your per-"

"Obviously he gets my permission."

"We thought so, but officially"

"Yeah yeah." I replied as I looked at him excited. "So what now?" I said as I looked at him with a huge smile. "Like what happens?"

"We're looking into an engagement ring for the Askadian royal family." Matt said and I nodded looking at him with a huge smile on my face. "We have it and we want your permission for it."

"Do you have a picture?" I demanded and he nodded looking at me as he showed it to me and I let out a small breath as I put my hand to my heart; it was perfection. "When is he going to ask?"

"Tonight. They're in Valkarae at the moment but are going to the treehouse situation we went to." Matt said and I nodded excited at that. "And he'll ask. They'll have one last night together before they have the three holy months."

"Three holy months?" I asked confused.

"WE have the process in which we abstain from sex and self pleasure." He explained and I nodded looking at him. "We've decided that any siblings of ours that want to get married, have to abstain for three months before getting married as well."

"Poor Naomi and Oliver." I said and he chuckled and nodded looking at me. "I can't believe this." I said and he chuckled. "I'm so fucking excited."

"I know you'd be." Matt said and I looked back at the picture of the ring. "We've had three made."

'Perfection." I replied right away as I looked at the engagement ring. "So, every royal family will have their own engagement rings, their own wedding rings and their own crowns right?" I asked and Matt nodded looking at me. "Isn't it an idea to already start planning all of that?"

"Well, we want the input of our siblings for that and as you know, there hasn't been an engagement apart from Oliver at the moment, we'll wait until they're engaged and stuff." He said and I nodded carefully at that.

"That does make sense." I replied dryly. "No, that makes total sense. I can't believe Oliver is actually going to ask her though, they've been together for what? A year or something. I mean I love it. I love her. I love them,. But still quick."

"Yeah, he doesn't want to spend another second without her as his wife so you know, why wait?" Eric said and I had a huge smile on my face.

"That does make total sense. That's amazing actually. He's amazing. They're amazing." I said all very fast and Matt laughed at that and I flipped him off. Eddie was eating and extremely silent, something that confused me. But I thought it would be better to just not ask him what his problem was. "I do feel bad for the fuckers in Lotar the upcoming three months." I said and it was silent for a second, before Eddie let out a laugh as he looked at me. Eric and Matt both let out a chuckle as well, shaking their heads looking at me. "What? Oliver has the actual like real life trait right?" I said to Matt. "And I've heard from credible sources that fucking also helps slightly with the itch so you know."

"The actual trait?" Eddie asked me and I stared at him and nodded.

"Yeah. You told me once, I mean, someone told me once, that the kids of Christian have the actual like real life itch and that Matt, Eric and you have a bit of the itch but not as extreme." I replied dryly before I took a bite of my food and Eddie nodded carefully at that. "But I'm extremely happy for them, just very curious how Lotar is going to function, and Askad for that matter, with Oliver being extremely annoyed at the fact that you know- she isn't there to calm him down."

"Understandable, but I do think it's an important thing to do." Matt said.

"O totally, no I agree. They have to get some punishment in form of sexual torture the same way the four of you and I had. Although I had no idea what I was missing, so you know." I said with a shrug and Matt let out a laugh and I threw a slice of bread to his face making him laugh even louder and I couldn't help but laugh either.

This was good. I was sort of happy. This was great.

But once again, life had other plans for me.

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