Chapter 10

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It was my date with Matt and I was really excited about it. I climbed out of the car and he was waiting by the helicopter, leaning against it with that 'power' that he had, something that turned me on. I ran up to him, dropping the bag in the process, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and I pressed my lips onto his. He kissed me back right away and leaned down and wrapped his arms around my waist. We made out for a bit before he let go of my lips and he looked into my eyes.

"Me amore." He whispered softly. "I'm so happy to see you." He said.

"I'm so happy to see you too. I've missed you so much." I said and I hugged him very tightly and he held onto me even tighter. "What are we doing?"

"We're just going to a house and chill and talk for tonight." He whispered softly. "Going to convince you to marry me."

"No need." I whispered back and he backed his head away and I looked into his eyes. "I would love nothing more than to get married to you." I said.

"Really?"" He said. "I had such great arguments." He said. "Wait, but really" I giggled and pressed my lips onto his. We made out for a bit.

"Really." I confirmed and he smiled very widely. "But, I do want to hear your arguments."

So for the rest of the night, we were laying outside on the grass, by a fire and I listened to all his arguments, me laughing at some of them. I had my head against his knees and he had the same thing with mine. We both were playing with each others hair.

We then arrived in the bedroom, and just like with Eddie, it went almost too far. His lips were on my breasts and he bit and sucked on them hard, making me moan and scratch his back, before he stopped and walked out, smacking the door shut. I laid there, totally out of breath and I couldn't help but start to cry. Why did I do this? This was bad, this could go so bad.

After literally twenty minutes, Matt came back and he saw me crying and he went and laid behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, hey, are you ok?" He whispered softly.

"No." I stammered. "I was afraid that I'd lost- that we'd lost." I said and he held onto me even tighter.

"I've got more control than you think m'amore." He whispered softly. "But it was close." He confirmed and I nodded as I turned around to look at him. We talked about deep shit before I looked into his eyes.

"I love you." I whispered softly and a small smile appeared on his face as he traced my cheek.

"I love you too." He whispered and he leaned forward and gave me a peck. We had a very sensual make out session, but nothing more, before I turned around and he spooned me, before we fell asleep.

I was falling for them so fucking hard.

A week later, two days after meeting the Kings and Olivia, I had heard the news that I already knew I would get; I was the next Queen of Locatlie.

The doors opened and the first eyes that I saw were the brown eyes of Matthew and he was staring at me with such pride and happiness, which was great really. I then saw the eyes of Michael and he didn't even try to put on a pokerface, as he had the biggest smile ever on his face. I then saw Eddie whom was staring at me with that turned on look, then lastly my eyes met the green of Eric and I saw that he had a huge smile.

I had to say some things before it was time for me to sit down and Carrie was presented, Christian had the biggest smile on his face thourghout it. I didn't look at any of the family members, only looking at my husbands. I had heard that tonight I'd get to spend with the husbands, before I would meet their siblings tomorrow morning.

I walked out first and waited in the hallway for my husbands, they walked out and I hugged each one, and gave them a peck, before we went through the castle a bit before we arrived at a living room.

I looked around and I right away had this feeling this was Matthews place. "Yours right?" I asked and Matt looked up at me and he nodded and smiled. We talked for a very long time, I got some one on one time with each one, which was just great.

But after a while, I was exhausted and so fucking happy that I was allowed to fall asleep.

I was going to be the next Queen of Locatlie.

Little did I know, that that name, that role, would ruin me beyond fucking repair.

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