Chapter 60

42 7 4

Matt P.O.V

It was the seventh of January currently and we were starting 'year 2'. We were doing the counting of the years from the first of January of the past year. I mean yes, we had had control ever since october, but we decided that we wanted to keep the same months and the same 'new year', so we started the count now. We were going into our second year as rulers, although to be fair we had already ruled 15 months.

This year would be the implantation of the new schooling system. To integrate this so that everyone is pleased and it isn't too big of a switch, we started having all teachers have schooling after schooltime. For this, they would each get two two weeks of a holiday in a different district. They were excited about this, and if they weren't? Well too bad. It was a lot of implantation. We were also working on trade shit, although right now we were making sure that everything was going smoothly. It was a lot of hard work and it was a good distraction.

I was sitting in the meeting area in Gotar; as we were still staying in Gotar. Although we had decided that in the summer, after the summit in August, we would move back to Prangie. Well Eric and I, Eddie would stay in Gotar because he had to be there. We didn't have the typical roles right now; we were trying to figure out which three roles future kings would be getting and working on that. Right now we had the idea of the Leader King communicating with all the leader kings of other districts and also having veto power. Then you had one domestic king that had meetings with all the other domestic kings, and with all the mayors of their segment. Then you had the security king, well that was obvious of course.

My brothers and sisters were currently using our cousins for that, or close friends. They were doing amazing and our fathers also helped in that regard. Mum, she missed her kids so much, so she decided to travel around every two months and stay with each kid for about three days. It made her so much happier and that was important.

We also had a problem with the Mayor of Yordan, as Leila and him were still together and wanted to stay together. So we had to elect a new Mayor; or rather chose a new one. Because this was the schooling district, we thought it was important we had someone there that we trusted; so we had our cousin William doing that. Which was great. William had given up his place in the line of succession long ago, when he was 20 and wanted to marry the love of his life. This meant that our cousins, Eli and Finn were up next for succession. But we didn't think about that as much.

Christopher had moved with Leila to Cuska and he was helping her too. Although we made it immensely clear that he would never be king; none of my sisters loved ones would be kings. They would be princes. Their sons? They would be kings. But he understood and was a great help.

The same was for Mateo and Lucas. Mateo obviously was a great leader in B-3 here in Gotar, and he went with Lucas towards Efrua, which was Europe, and helped Lucas a great deal. The two of them knew that they would have to get children. They were allowed to get married one day, we had told them and Leila and Christopher that. But, they would have to get three sons by surrogacy, with Lucas' sperm and eggs that we would choose. But that was something for the future. We all didn't have time for any children.

My other siblings, Oliver, Danny and Willow, were all allowed to date whomever they wanted. We had made that clear to them. But if they ever wanted something serious with one of them, and wanted to eventually get married, that person would have to go to Locatlie for schooling of the Locatlie ways, and also convert to Seglusm. They understood and accepted that.

They were all doing an insane job and I was intensely proud of them. I missed them, that was true, but I obviously could never admit that.

Anyway, I was in Gotar in Eddie's office. Although I basically took that office over, and Eddie and Eric would sit on the other tables here. It was our office now. We were currently discussing what other steps we were going to take, but I Was exhausted. I couldn't really concentrate, and it didn't interest me that much.

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