Chapter 67

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I walked through the city, wearing a pair of purple pants, a purple bra top and then a jacket. I loved the look. I felt like I could wear slightly different outfits with my brown hair than I did compared to when I had my ginger hair. I walked hand in hand with Naomi and guys were staring at us, which we were used to. Well Naomi was used to it, she thrived on it. I saw several guys that she would normally give some attention, but it was as if she didn't care about any guys anymore and that scared me slightly.

For the past nights we had had fun, but she always went home with Oliver. It was currently the fifth night of the festival. I hadn't seen Oliver's brothers, which was good, but at the same time, I wanted to see them. Confused was my middle name right now.

This morning when we woke up, she told me that Oliver and her actually had a conversation the night before and that she really connected to him in a weird way. It worried me, I mean I saw it coming from miles away, but still, it worried me. It worried me that she was falling for him and it seemed like he seemed to care for her too. Some people might think the emotions they were feeling was too fast, but I wasn't allowed to judge. I only saw the guys that I called my husbands a couple of times before I got married to them. That concept alone made me question a lot of things, but that were thoughts for another day.

A song came up from the beginning of the 2000s which was just weird to me, but It was as if that was the theme for tonight, because all the music was of that time. I looked at Naomi whom was giving all her moves and I joined her with dancing and I loved the way my body moved to the music. I loved feeling the music course through me. It made breathing easier, which was good. After a while Naomi and I stood outside and she was on her phone.

"How much would you hate me if we go to a club where Oliver is with his brothers right now?" She asked and I stared at her for a couple of seconds.

"Which club?"

"Treqies?" She said carefully looking at me and I let out a small breath, letting the air that was in my body escape carefully.

"Uhm. You go ahead. I'm starving and I'm going to get some food. I'll meet up with you there ok?" I said and she nodded as she hugged me and I walked towards a food place. I could feel guys staring at me, and it confused me a tad. I didn't know fi they were security guys or if they were guys that were interested in more than just looking. Something that was totally not my vibe right now. I didn't mind hearing about Naomi's adventures, but I'd rather not partake in them right now. The idea that guys would have their hands on my body; it disgusted me, it made me shiver, it made breathing harder. And I would listen to my body, if breathing became intense, I wouldn't do it. There was also this part of me that reminded me that I was married and it would be a fucking bitch move to go to another guy. But then again, if I wanted to do that, I was allowed to. I felt like that. But luckily I didn't have those feelings.

I walked out of the fast food place and I grabbed my phone and grabbed the map app and I looked at how to get to Treqies. I walked through all the people here whom were dancing and having a great time. I walked through them, when I reached a less busy street. Well it was practically abandoned. Good. I walked through it and I was on my phone, when suddenly someone slapped the phone out of my hand and I looked up and panic started to rise in me right away as I saw a guy standing there.

"What are you doing here all alone, staring at your phone?" He said and I wanted to take a step forward to grab my phone, but he stood in front of me. "No no no. I think it's time for you to stop thinking about your phone, and enjoy your night." He said and I looked into his eyes, he was brave. HE was fucking brave. If he had any idea who he was talking to- but then again, was I still that same person? I mean yes, I was Queen in name and in religion, but I didn't act on it. I could understand that men thought they could take me- Wait no. That wasn't allowed- I was allowed to set boundaries and act on them. "What? Did someone take your tongue?"

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