Chapter 89

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I couldn't sleep that night though, so after a while, I got out of the bed and I looked at Eddie and he looked well rested, he looked like he would stay asleep for a while. I leaned down and I gave him a kiss on the top of his head. "I'll be right back, babe." I whispered and I gave him to kisses on his forehead. I adjusted my hair a bit and I put on some simple sneakers and I walked down the stairs and I decided I wanted to go look at the view of Gotar for a bit, see the outside, see the world.

I walked out and it was a bit chilly, but I wasn't bothered with getting a jacket, so I kept walking and I reached one of my favourite spots. I looked at the sky slowly changing colour and my body was shaking a bit in coldness, but I didn't mind.

After a while, I felt something coming on my shoulders and I turned my head a bit and I saw that it was Oliver whom handed me his suit jacket. I looked back at the sun that was slowly coming up. Oliver looked at me for a second, he was wearing a neat suit and he had his hands in his pockets. I looked back ahead.

"Hey." I whispered softly as I stared at the sky, the colours being magnificent.

"Hey." He whispered back. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see the world. What about you?"

"I couldn't sleep. I usually go here to get my mind cleared before I work." He admitted and I nodded carefully at that as I let out a deep breath. "Why are you here?"

"I remember standing here loads of times to just clear my mind before I went and did something." I confirmed and he nodded carefully as he rubbed his chin for a second. "Do you want to get some breakfast in town?" I said and he looked at me for a second and then he looked back at the sky.

"Sure." He said and he turned his body towards where the entrance was of the building to go down. "No- lets walk. I feel like walking." I said and he stared at me and he nodded slowly and I let out a small breath as we went down the path. For the first ten minutes we were both silent, before he suddenly stopped walking behind me and he looked sideways. I stopped as well and took some steps back and the view; it was spectacular; the sky was orange, the sun was halfway up, and it was perfect. I looked at that for a couple of minutes before I looked at Oliver whom was staring out at it and he let out a sigh before he looked at me. I looked back at him and I gave him a small smile before I continued to walk. He walked behind me, but after a while he went and walked beside me.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" He asked and I shrugged a bit as I kicked a rock away and I kept doing that for about a minute before I almost slipped and I put my hand on Oliver's arm and I decided to keep it there. Oliver looked at that for a second before we continued to walk. "How are you?" He said and I let out a deep breath.

"I don't want to lose him." I said and he nodded carefully at that. "I don't know- it just. It wouldn't seem fair you know? To him."

"What do you mean?"

"He's- he has done everything to get me back, and has given me as much space as he could and then when I finally accept him- them, he gets ruined by something that Amar did." I said and he was staring at me while we were walking but I stared ahead. "It just wouldn't seem fair for him if I one day do accept his brothers, including you, and he never got that opportunity you know?" I said and he nodded carefully looking at me.

"It wouldn't be fair to you either."

"I don't know if you know, Oliver, but my life has been anything but fair." I said and he chuckled a bit at that as I lowered my hand a bit as we were walking somewhere steep and I stopped after a while and he stopped walking as I looked sideways and the sun was almost in full view and I let out a deep breath before I continued to walk and he walked with me, one step ahead to hold my weight or something like that. I accepted it. After a while he grabbed my hand and I accepted it.

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