Chapter 85

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I didn't know how I functioned those minutes after Eric started to scream. I knew I sat frozen on the spot as I heard people screaming around me, telling each other to do stuff. Well, it was mainly Matt that mentioned Eddie and Eric, that told people around him to do whatever he wanted. I didn't understand.

After about five minutes, I turned off a part of my brain that dealt with emotions, as I couldn't feel those right now. I stood up and I walked towards where the screaming came from. I saw Eric laying on his back, his one hand on his stomach the other on his shoulder and his eyes were wide, as his whole body was white and shaking. He was looking into Matt's eyes with pure fear.

I saw no blood though, and I knew- at least I think I remembered Eric and Eddie having some sort of connection. I wasn't stupid. I added the two together. I walked past Eric, before realising by the way he was grabbing himself and the screaming that was coming from his core that it must be serious, so I started to run. I ignored people calling my name, I didn't care that I was only wearing a pair of underwear and a shirt of Eddie's. I didn't care that I looked like shit. I had to go to Eddie. Something was wrong with Eddie.

I ran out of the castle on my bare feet and towards Gotar prison's entrance for us. I walked in and I got into the elevator, after the security guy said good day to me.

The elevator went down and I arrived at the main hall. The doors were locked though and I frowned as nobody was allowed to go out, or in; while it was 730 which meant that people were trying to come in to work. There were long lines there, they were all standing confused as it then occurred to me that an alarm was going off at this moment.

"What is going on?" I breathed to someone and they wanted to walk past me, before they saw me, and really saw me.

"Apparently King Edward has been attacked in the Ring of Fire." The man said carefully looking at me. "The elevators are closed off because people have to go through it. A helicopter has been sent to the Ring of fire and he'll be transported to the hospital area."

"How do I get where he'll be dropped off?" I stammered to him.

"He'll be dropped off on the fifteenth" He said pointing up. "The helicopter pad is there and then he'll be brought somewhere. The stairs are there, my queen." He said and I nodded looking at him.

"Thank you." I said putting my hands on his arms before I ran to the door that lead to the stairs.

I kept running up and up, not caring that I was exhausted. I was absolutely exhausted but I didn't care; I had to get to Eddie. When I reached the fifteenth floor, there was chaos all over, as people were preparing for the worst it seemed. I walked through the people, whom were all talking and screaming to one another, before I saw the eyes that I had missed so much.

King Luther was standing there directing everyone and there was an anger in his voice and a panic in his eyes. His eyes met mine though and I put my hand on my heart as I was exhausted. He froze for a second before he continued to work. He then turned around and opened the door to let me in while talking to someone. I saw who he was talking to; Matthew, and I frowned. How had he gotten here earlier?

"Where have you been?" Matt said worried and I stared at him confused.

"Stairs." I breathed. "Elevators closed."

"Not for you." Matthew said as he walked to me and he put his hands on my face. "You- I->"

"What?" I breathed. "What happened?" I said confused as I was so hot and exhausted.

"Amar took two of the knives out himself and when Eddie went to check on all the knives, he stabbed Eddie." He said and my eyes widened in shock. "I thou-."

"You thought I went to him to help him escape." I said and he nodded looking at me. "Where is Eddie? Is he ok? Is he going to be ok?"

"Oliver has been called Kitty." Matthew said as he still had his hands on my face and I frowned at that; not understanding. "He was stabbed near his heart and in his stomach and lost a lot of blood. It was that Eric and him have that connection, or he would've bled to death. He was laying there for at least five minutes before he got help, and he is currently in surgery. We don't know if he'll make it."

"No." I breathed. "No." I repeated and that's when I lost my mind again.

No. This couldn't be happening again.

Couldn't I just have some peace and quietness?

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