Chapter 66

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When I woke up the next morning, I was laying in my bed alone. I looked sideways and it was clear that someone had sat there. I remembered what had happened last night and a smile appeared on my face, before I started to cry again. I missed him, I missed Eddie. I missed Eric. At least, I thought I did. I had no idea- I didn't know if it was true or not. I wanted to be with them so bad. But I didn't trust myself and my idea's and thoughts and memories.

I fell asleep shortly after that, but I got woken up a bit later when I felt someone laying down next to me. I reached out my arm to the person and that person gave me their hand. It wasn't Matt, I knew it would be Matt if he then kissed my hand afterwards, it being our thing. At least I thought so. I opened my eyes and I frowned as I saw Oliver sitting there on the bed, staring ahead while holding onto my hand.

"I wished I was wrong." He whispered softly and I knew he knew I was awake. "I predicted everything they did to you. I imagined the worst case scenario, apart from death. I told them that if we- if there was another country like ours, and we had their king and queen, lets call it Lolaland." He said and his voice was shaking a bit. "That I'd kill the king in front of the queen and use her weakened mind to make sure that she would be a weapon of ours. It was a brain fart really." He said and tears started to roll down my cheeks. "I mean there were other theories of what they did to you. We thought they killed you and threw you in the ocean and we'd never be able to find you? Or they would keep you until the two years would be over. We had so many theories, but this theory, it stayed in my mind. I dreamt of it. I dreamt of what they would do to you." He said and he looked sideways at me. "I didn't see you though, I saw other women. I saw them doing things to those women and I just had this feeling. But they, they never wanted to talk about it. They never wanted to talk about what they were doing to you. They just wanted to make sure they got you home." He said and I felt tears in my eyes. "I want to apologise for being right, for having a mind that would go to such a dark place, because it isn't fair. It isn't fair." He said and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "It isn't fair that someone as bright and as light as you, has been extinguished. You don't deserve that. You deserve the world and more. But not this. Not this." He said and he shook his head. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I whispered softly. "You saved me from even more pain." I said "At least, I think so." I added softly. "I mean, I would've shot all of you in that mind state, I believed that you guys were the bad guys, that you wanted to kill me and I wanted to get ahead." I whispered. "And you stopped me before it got too bad. Are Eric and Eddie ok by the way? I never asked?"

"O they were physically fine. We knew something was wrong, but at the same time we knew that the old Kitty was hiding somewhere there."


"Because you've got the best aim in the world. As Matt told that Amar guy." He said and my heart stopped at that. "You would've been able to shoot us directly through the eyes, with a blindfold on and being spun around. You're the best aim this world has ever seen. So we knew that there was something going on." He said and I nodded carefully looking at him, and he looked at me and did a double take, while I was staring ahead.

"Why are you here?"

"Naomi wanted to shower and come chill with you. I wanted to come in, and help her shower, but she told me that you couldn't handle the sounds she would make." He said a tad cheekily and I smiled a bit at that and I nodded. "She's great."

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered softly. "I think I can trust you."

"Yeah" he said and I scooted a bit closer to him and I put my head on his arm.

"I told Matt that he'd have to stop your marriage with her one day, until I'm ready for it, as I can't be the one to stop it as her best friend." I whispered and he was quiet for a second and a small chuckle came out of his mouth before he stopped.

"You talk to Matt?"

"I bumped into him last night, he didn't recognise me. I then thought I saw" I said and I took a deep breath. "But it was your father, I had a panic attack and we talked a bit before I took a trauma nap."

"Please tell me you aren't stealing my man." I heard Naomi state and I smiled a bit.

"Technically, you're stealing my little brother." I replied and she jumped into bed next to me and put her arm around me.

"True. There is enough Royal dick for the two of us." She muttered and Oliver let out a laugh.

"I'm good. But thank you. I'll just take his arm for now if that's fine with you?"

"Of course." She whispered. "I'm exhausted."

"Well, why don't we sleep then?" I whispered back.

"Sounds great" She added.

"What is the theme tonight?"

"Sleep" Naomi muttered. "And Olivers dick."

"And apart from Oliver's dick; what is the rest of the world dressed as?" I whispered back and Oliver was quiet, observing our conversation. I smiled at him looking at Naomi with a sort of adoration. I closed my eyes and I put his arm away from his body and placed it over me, above my head, so that he could play with her hair and I put my head against his chest.

"White for the deaths, tomorrow red for the blood. We go rock red, we sleep white." She whispered.

"Sounds great. Oliver, are you staying?"

"For a bit, then I'll go home and annoy my brothers."

"I love your brothers." I whispered while almost fell asleep. "Don't tell them I said that though, I don't trust that it's the truth and don't want to give them false hope."

'I won't. Whats said in this bed, stays in this bed. Hence why I took your phone, Naomi's phone and my phone and put it in the kitchen and I covered the audio device in the tv and in the lamp." He whispered and I smiled.

"Thank you Oliver. You're my protector. Thank you."

"Of course my dove." He said and I fell asleep. "I love you too." He added and I chuckled.

"I love you too Oliver. I don't know if I've ever said that before. But I love you." I said and I put my hand over his chest and I grabbed his hand. "In a big brother kind of way, not in a sex kind of way. Wouldn't want Naomi or your brothers to get jealous."

"O no, I'm loving the vibe you two are pulling off right now." Naomi whispered. "Totally turns me on."

"Please don't fuck in the same bed with me in it." I whispered. "Good night Oliver. You're the best."

"You are too."

And with that, I closed my eyes and I dreamt of Amar and Matt fighting, as if they were in a dog ring, both fighting for my affection.

 Both fighting for me. 

And how it ended? 

I had no idea.

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