Chapter 93

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Naomi P.O.V

It had been three months since I stepped into the airplane with Oliver. It had been three months since Oliver was mentally exhausted. It was three months since we spend the last moments we had with each other. We had heard that Eddie had been hurt, we had heard that he had to be in Locatlie as a precaution. I had just arrived in Askad, for me to be ripped away from it. But that wasn't important.

We spend the last hours in the airplane saying goodbye without even realising, even if we had just finished saying 'hello' to one another seconds before that phone call. It was short. It was short but perfect. When we landed, I didn't see Oliver for a bit, as I waited in the castle here in Gotar.

He came to his room, our room, no it was his room, and he looked exhausted and heartbroken. He got on his knees in front of me, and burst out into sobs, saying that he didn't want to do this. I had thought it was a possibility that he'd have to leave me, there was a small part of me that thought it, but seeing him sitting in front of me, sobbing his heart out. It broke something in me. But I couldn't- I wasn't allowed to show that to him at that moment. No, I had to be the strong one.

I had bend down and held onto him, as he through his sobs told me that Eddie's situation didn't look good. That there was a possibility he'd never wake up. That he had to be here for a bit and that he didn't- he didn't know what to do with me.

I decided then that for me, for my heart, it would be better if I went back to Yordan. Even if that wasn't what I wanted. We had spend 12 hours saying goodbye, before I left while he was asleep; I didn't want to hurt him any more than he had done.

The moment that I arrived back at my house- well which was once King Michaels house, and Kitty stayed there, but now it was mine, I broke.

I broke and stayed broken for weeks, months even.

At first, the idea of living without him broke me, but after a couple of weeks, it was as if I couldn't breathe properly. It was as if every step I took, broke something in me. It was as if every breath without him by my side felt meaningless. Life felt meaningless.

After two months, I realised I couldn't lay in bed like this for the rest of my life. I had to get out of my house, see my friends, accept my reality.

I even went back to work, them granting me leave to deal with my mental issues after the news of King Edward, Eddie, came out. I had no idea what the situation was like at the moment, but it wasn't something that I had the right to know anymore. Because at the end of the day, I was nothing.

I went to work, like I did every day, I got home, ate dinner, sat out at the deck and watched the sun set, before going to bed. It was exhausting really. It was pointless. Everything was pointless without him.

Today was again one of those days. The sun hit my face in a weird way, I had a day off and I remembered closing the curtains, and yet the sun was shining in my face. The only thing on my agenda today was that I had to go to the dentist, but that was in the afternoon. I opened one eye to look at where it came from, and I realised I hadn't closed it properly. I sighed as I closed the curtain a bit more and I realised I had to pee.

I stared in the mirror looking at myself and I sighed, I looked like shit, but then again, I had no reason to look good anymore. I took a warm shower though as I was freezing and afterwards I decided that it was 7am so I might as well start the day. I grabbed a sweater and a pair of sweatpants and I put my half wet hair in a bun on the top of my head. I put my glasses on my face, grabbed my phone, and I walked down the stairs. I went towards the kitchen and I got a yoghurt out of there and a spoon and I went towards the couch and I turned on the TV and went to Netflix and watched some random tv show for a bit, or I wanted to, but the moment I pressed play, the doorbell went.

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