Chapter 64

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It was the first night of the festival and I was really excited about it. I was currently wearing a black dress and some ripped tights. I had redyed my hair in the same colour and it was currently fresh and perfect. I had gotten a mask that I loved; it wasn't immensely warm. It covered my face half though, because my hair was already a mask enough. I looked hot in my opinion and I looked sexy. I felt like a person.

Not that I wanted any men, the idea that I was going to be touched by guys tonight revolted me, but the great thing about tonight was, well this whole week, was that there was security everywhere. All the military people and the police were here, all in or out of uniform, to make sure that no crimes would be committed.

Naomi and I were walking down the main party street; all clubs had their doors open, even if you didn't have the right rank and they were all playing the same music. It even was on the speakers and the announcement speakers. It was amazing, I could barely hear people. But that wasn't really important.

We walked into a club and we got some drinks and we decided on doing five shots before I walked onto the dance floor with Naomi and we danced to the music. After a while we went outside because she had to smoke. I joined her and I was leaning against a leaning here and I laughed as Naomi moved her body to the music and I shook my head.

"O hello, what is your name?" Naomi then stated and I stared at her and took a sip of my drink. Naomi was an immense flirt, and she could get any guy she wanted. She had the body that guys liked, and she had the hair, and her eyes; they were like mine, like the ocean.

"My name is none of your business actually." The voice replied and my eyes widened as I snapped my head sideways and my eyes widened as I saw who was standing in front of me. The guy wasn't looking at me, he hadn't seen me yet. He was looking at Naomi with this look of 'you are beneath me', or he was about to, before he looked her up and down with his blue eyes. He put his hand through his curly blonde hair. His body was just as large as I remembered, I also remembered him grabbing me when I tried to shoot his brothers.

"That's what I thought." Naomi stated as a matter of a fact and I couldn't help but snort and I shook my head.

"I wouldn't go for him Naomi." I said casually as Oliver looked away from Naomi, his eyes widening as his eyes went towards me. "I've heard he's a big man slut." I said and Naomi looked at Oliver, looking him up and down.

"I can understand why." She said dramatically. Oliver looked at me though and there was a frown on his face; as if he couldn't connect the voice to the person.

"Are you here alone?" I asked and that's when Naomi snapped her head towards me.

"Is this one of them?" She stage whispered; but Oliver could obviously hear it and I couldn't' help but smile wide.

"No their brother." I said with a huge smile on his face and he looked at me and a small smile appeared on his face.

"You blend in pretty nicely." He said and I nodded.

"It's the hair."

"I'm sure Eddie will be upset. He's obsessed with your hair."

"I don't care what Eddie thinks. This makes me happy." I said and he nodded as he looked at me for a second and then back at Naomi and then back at me. "Oliver, this is Naomi. Naomi, this is Oliver." I said carefully and she stared at him with the biggest smile ever.

"You have the best butt I have ever seen in my life." Naomi said and I almost spit out my drink as I looked at Oliver staring at her in awe and shock, mainly shock. "I'm pardoned for whatever I tell any of the royal family by the Goddess of Seglusa herself." She said with the biggest and most perfect smile ever.

"That's a king love." I said towards her and she stared at me for a second. "He's one of the scary ones." I stage whispered.

"I love scary." She said with a dramatic sigh and Oliver shook his head with the biggest smile ever.

"Are you alone though?" I then asked once more.

"Yeah. They aren't here. Do you want them to be here?" Oliver asked and I shrugged looking at him.

"Wait, have the two of you seen each other since you know, the war?" Naomi said, mouthing the 'war' part.

"He was the one that sedated me after I shot Eddie and Eric. After that I haven't seen her in person." I said and he looked at me for a couple of times before he shrugged and I shrugged too. "He's cool though. He's a big manslut."

"I love mansluts, I'm a womanslut myself. Want to slut together tonight?"

"You are the-." I said shaking my head. "You promised me you wouldn't leave me alone."

"I know"

"And I don't want to hear you fucking Oliver in my house." I added and she stared at me for a second and Oliver was looking at her, and really thinking about doing it.

"I'll fuck him at his place then?" She offered and I looked at her. "Please?"

"Does he get a say in this?" I then said.

"He wants me. It's obvious or he would've protested."

"Would he now?"

"Obviously, that's how men work."

"He can hear you, you know?" Oliver said but I shushed him and he shook his head looking at the two of us. "There are two of them." He said with a sigh and I couldn't help but have the biggest smile ever as I looked at him.

"Ok, but do it safely and don't fall in love with him. I've seen his dick in Gotar and it is fall in love worthy dick." I said and her eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Like fall in love dick?"

"Marry and have a billion babies dick."

"Really? I mean he does have big dick energy." She said looking Oliver up and down and he shook his head looking at me, but I knew he was loving this.

"Yeah. So don't fall in love with him, because I am so not in the mood to lose you to Askad."

"Fine. I won't fall in love with him as a person, I might fall in love with his body. I've seen instagram pictures."

"Of course you have." I confirmed. "Be safe." I said and she nodded. "If you hurt her, I'll cut off your baby making dick."

"Love you too. Glad to hear you're sort of back." Oliver said as he put his arm over Naomi and I shook my head looking at the two of them walking away, well trying to walk away, before Oliver grabbed her by her neck and smashed her against the wall and kissed her. She didn't seem bothered by that, no it turned her on, because she had the biggest smile ever on her face as she let go of his lips. He then picked her up and threw her over his shoulders.

They would be perfect together. In my opinion. And for the first time since I could remember, I trusted my own opinion. Breakthrough.


"You were right. He does have 'Marriage with a billion babies dick'." Naomi stated and I turned my head and spit out my breakfast, because this was totally not something I wanted to hear first thing in the morning. I looked at her and my eyes widened as I saw bite marks and bruises all over. She looked down. "Don't worry. I like that shit." She said right away but I shook my head. Then something happened that always happened whenever I saw something immensely triggering; or if I just breathed the wrong way, I burst out into sobs and fell asleep shortly afterwards. Trauma am I right?

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